
Economic analysis of prevention behaviors in the face of health risks.

Ambiguity, Ambiguïté, Aversion au risque, Aversion to ambiguity, Aversion à l’ambiguïté, Bivariate risk, Breast cancer, Cancer du sein, Expected utility, Health prevention, Health risk, Incertain, Perception du risque, Perspective theory, Prévention en santé, Rank-dependent-utility, Risk aversion, Risk perception, Risque bi-varié, Risque santé, Théorie perspective, Uncertainty, Utilité espérée, Utilité espérée dépendante du rang

The coverage of extreme risks of natural disasters: theoretical and empirical analysis.

Analyse en composantes principales, Assurance des risques naturel, Demande d’assurance, Hierarchical clustering, Insurance demand, Modèle d’espérance d’utilité dépendant du rang, Natural catastrophe, Perception des risques, Principal component analysis, Rank dependant utility, Risk insurance, Risk perception

Beliefs and Risk Perceptions About COVID-19: Evidence From Two Successive French Representative Surveys During Lockdown.

Beliefs, COVID-19, Comparative optimism, Rational learning, Risk perception, beliefs, comparative optimism, rational learning, risk perception

Marketing contract choices in agriculture: The role of price expectation and price risk management.

Hedging, Marketing contracts, Risk management, Risk perception, Storage

Living with Floods: Protective Behaviours and Risk Perception of Vietnamese Households.

Flood, Risk, Risk perception, Self-protection, Vietnam