20 Oct. 2020 Financial transition Opinions& Debates Should the liability of shareholders always be limited? While the primary role of companies has traditionally been to maximize profits for their shareholders... + Add to my selection
5 Jan. 2018 News Opinions& Debates GIRLS AND MATHEMATICS: Deconstructing gender myths By Elyès Jouini, Professor at Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL), Université Paris-Dauphine, where he currently... + Add to my selection
17 Nov. 2017 News Opinions& Debates The puzzling decline in the proportion of French shareholders since the crisis Shareholding among French households has declined since 2008, despite the improved performance of the stock... + Add to my selection
24 Jul. 2017 News Opinions& Debates Platforms and evolution of the banking system At a time when all economic activity is being digitized, it is interesting to ask... + Add to my selection
10 May. 2016 News Opinions& Debates Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLT): what impact on financial markets? The foundations of the Bitcoin protocol and the crypto-currency it supports first emerged in 2008... + Add to my selection
18 Apr. 2016 News Opinions& Debates Savings and life expectancy Which products and taxation? France has a high savings rate. Yet these savings are poorly distributed as they are... + Add to my selection