16 Feb. 2016 News Opinions& Debates Employment proficiency: How to sustainably reduce unemployment and youth inactivity? The article we present in this issue of Opinions & Débats goes against the conventional... + Add to my selection
8 Dec. 2015 News Opinions& Debates The Valuation of Long-Term Investments and Sustainable Development The work of Christian Gollier presented in this issue of Opinions & Débats raises the... + Add to my selection
22 Jul. 2015 News Opinions& Debates The end of the waterfall: Default resources of Central Counterparties (CCPs) Central counterparties (CCPs) have become pillars of the new global financial architecture following the financial... + Add to my selection
13 Apr. 2015 News Opinions& Debates Perception, risk and long-term decision-making Students on the night before an exam, architects under pressure to submit a design or... + Add to my selection
26 Jan. 2015 News Opinions& Debates Routes to an ambitious climate agreement in 2015, Christian de Perthuis and André Jouvet In environmental matters, the multilateral framework has already made it possible to deal with global... + Add to my selection
12 Jan. 2015 News Opinions& Debates Financial Transactions Taxes: Theory, Evidence and Design The task that Jean-Edouard Colliard and Peter Hoffmann set themselves involves comparing theory and practice,... + Add to my selection