Demographic Transitions economic Transitions

Scientific project

The Demographic Transitions, Economic Transitions Chair aims to examine the opportunities presented by the ageing of the population for modern societies – a major challenge of the 21st century for developed economies, so as to make recommendations and propose innovative solutions for structuring public debate and guiding it the towards an awareness of the potentialities of this phenomenon. Ageing is all too often perceived as an economic burden, while its effects on growth factors such as health, education, productivity and savings are subject to debate.

This Chair is:

  • a forum for research and debate on ageing
  • the product of a convergence of interests for financing research between private partners, actors in the area of social protection,
  • and public research conducted by university professors, lecturers and economists
  • an organization that produces books for the general public, articles and seminars in order to bring its ideas into the public domain and to make professionals and policy makers  aware of them.



Scientific officers

Jean-Hervé Lorenzi
Jean-Hervé Lorenzi
See CV
Alain Villemeur
Alain Villemeur
See CV

Academic Partner

Economic Partners