Demographic transition
Environmental transition
Financial transition
Digital transition
The purpose of the research initiative “Milliman SAS – Sustainable Actuarial Science and Long-Term Stability of the Insurance Sector” is to promote research on current actuarial issues, focusing on insurance topics related to sustainable development and financial stability.
While pragmatism often leads to producing risk analyses over one- to five-year horizons in a highly simplified framework, sometimes neglecting certain sources of risk or correlations between risks, the work conducted within this research initiative aims to better identify risks that could be potentially dangerous for an insurance company and for the industry as a whole, over both short-term and longer-term management horizons.
The initial research themes of this initiative will focus on systemic risks, particularly those related to the use of economic capital calculation methods and market value assessments, as well as those related to competition among insurers and the behavior of policyholders.
The common thread in this work is the potentially systemic nature of the underlying risks and their improper consideration, often extending beyond the interests of a single company and holding significant societal importance.
Other research will address the long-term solvency of insurance companies using risk theory tools, Enterprise Risk Management for insurance companies, information asymmetry and its consequences in insurance, longevity risk, and the updating of actuarial assumptions.
The topics of Market Consistency and Economic Scenario Generators for insurance will also be covered.
Collaborations with Alexandre Boumezoued, Julien Védani, and Léo Tondolo will focus on themes such as longevity, the economic valuation of insurance liabilities, data analytics, and model risk. A collaboration is also planned on R&D topics to be jointly defined with the Non-Life and R&D teams at Milliman Paris.
Activity report 2022 (FR)
Activity report 2023 (ENG)