Create a programme
The Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB) is an association under the French law of 1901, created in 2008.
Our activities aim to engage academics, companies and public authorities in research programmes as well as in scientific events and other exchange forums.
The research is conducted with a view to publication in leading academic journals. It is produced within our foundations recognised as being of public utility, in an open mode with the aim of creating a common research heritage developed in France.
Together, we seek answers for a world in transition!
The Louis Bachelier Network currently hosts more than 60 programmes
Research programmes hosted by the Louis Bachelier Group can take a variety of forms:
A Chair
A Chair is a multi-year (usually five) research project led by either one or two academics.. Chairs count on significant support by the industry and the academic institution that the researchers belong to. Chairs produce top-level research and target the best journals in their field. They aim at consolidating teams, maintaining the attractiveness of French academic institutions, and contributing to the discovery and development of new talent.
A Research Initiative (IdR)
An IdR is a chair whose work spans approximately one year. In other words their output is smaller but in no way inferior. A Research Initiative is thus also a sponsored research project, but usually with less financial support, a smaller team and sometimes shorter duration. Most Research Initiatives are totally independent of Chairs, but some of them are spinoffs from existing Chairs. They may also be hosted within a Chair when a team needs autonomy because of its specific agenda, yet requires the scientific and administrative support of a larger team.
A Proof of Concept (POC)
POC is a short-term highly focused project in which the applicability of scientific methods are tested on industrial data or problems.
New programmes can be constructed in different ways, but typically a research programme starts with a clear description of the following:
- State of the art – context – research axes
- Definition of the research problem
- Objectives
- Results – deliverables
- Communication – scientific dissemination
- Scientific team with CV
- Partners
- Estimated budget
On the basis of the above, the appropriate scientific governance bodies will decide whether the project has the potential to become a Louis Bachelier Network project. If so, then the ILB can help find sponsors/researchers and arrange link-ups between partners with mutual interests in specific research subjects.
Focus of the two Foundations in the Louis Bachelier Network:
Risk Foundation: Programmes contribute in a sustainable way to the development of France’s research potential in all areas of risk
Institut Europlace de Finance: short and medium-term applied research projects.
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