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  • 2015 - 2019
    Burgundy School of Business
  • 1994 - 1995
    Université Paris-Dauphine
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 1995
  • Social and responsible innovations.

    Marc INGHAM
    Entreprise & société | 2019
    After highlighting the similarities and complementarities between social innovations and responsible innovations, this article emphasizes the opportunities they offer companies. Their strategic integration constitutes a privileged way to exercise CSR and to contribute to meeting the social and environmental challenges that arise, particularly those related to the demographic and ecological transition.
  • Innovating for elderly people: the development of geront’innovations in the French silver economy.

    Blandine LAPERCHE, Sophie BOUTILLIER, Faridah DJELLAL, Marc INGHAM, Zeting LIU, Fabienne PICARD, Sophie REBOUD, Corinne TANGUY, Dimitri UZUNIDIS
    Technology Analysis & Strategic Management | 2018
    The objective of this paper is to study the supply side of the silver market, which is usually neglected by research on this topic. Adopting a systemic approach to innovation, our main goals are to identify the nature of the innovations developed, the way innovations are created, and the issues related to their emergence and diffusion. Our research is based on an empirical study of the French silver economy, which consists in an enquiry carried out in Silver Valley. The results of our study lead us to suggest a new term ‘geront’innovation’ to qualify the various forms of innovations developed to cater for the needs of elderly people. We also put forward the importance of networking and open innovation strategies. Finally, the identified barriers to emergence and diffusion as perceived by the supply side of the market lead us to suggest recommendations to support the diffusion of geront’innovations.
  • Mobilization of HR processes by managers to deploy responsible management: the case of La Poste Group.

    Christelle HAVARD, Marc INGHAM
    Revue de gestion des ressources humaines | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Corporate social responsibility and/or irresponsibility? Dr Jekyll and/or Mr Hyde?

    Marc INGHAM
    While there are numerous publications on corporate social responsibility (CSR), few articles deal with corporate social irresponsibility (CSIr) and/or the links that may exist between CSR and CSIr. This "essay" paper presents a literature review on these topics in order to develop a conceptual grid that could help tackling the separation, coexistence and dynamic relationships that may exist between CSR and CSIr in organizations. The paper is organized as follows: after having discussed and clarified CSR and CSI concepts and presented a review of the literature that specifically addresses their characteristics and links, it identifies a set of behaviors adopted by organizations and their members. The focus is on the motivations that can guide companies to adopt CSR and CSIr behaviors, their ties, their positive or negative externalities and their possible effects on performances (economic, social, and environmental). It leads to conclude that, most of the behaviors organizations adopt probably fall (at various degrees) between an "exemplary" CSR, that would be an "ideal state" to which organizations can tender and a situation governed by deliberately and systematically irresponsible behaviors (which probably does not exist in the corporate sphere, except for criminal organizations). Are organizations looking like Dr Jekyll and/or Mister Hyde? Résumé.
  • The role of middle managers in the deployment of a CSR program: the case of the La Poste Group.

    Christelle HAVARD, Marc INGHAM
    Revue de l’organisation responsable | 2017
    No summary available.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility as seen by the executives of La Poste Group: what are the gaps between the implicit and the explicit and between the practiced and the required?

    Christelle HAVARD, Marc INGHAM
    RIODD 2016 | 2016

    The objective of this paper is to put into perspective the way managers of La Poste Group interpret the notion of CSR, the CSR policy deployed by the company, the expectations formulated towards them and the way they put it into practice in order to identify possible gaps in these interpretations, likely to trigger a sensemaking process. Based on a review of the literature, we propose an analytical framework that highlights the potential gaps between the implicit and the explicit and between the practiced and the prescribed. The analysis of the results highlights gaps in the interpretations of the concept of CSR and the content explained by the organization on the one hand, and on the other hand, in the interpretations of the dimensions that fall under the implementation of CSR. However, the values professed and shared within the Group in relation to CSR ensure a certain consistency in interpretations and mitigate these discrepancies.

  • Organizational learning in cooperations.

    Marc INGHAM
    Revue Française de Gestion | 2015
    No summary available.
  • Incentives for green innovations in French manufacturing firms.

    Fabrice GALIA, Marc INGHAM, Sanja PEKOVIC
    International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development | 2015
    No summary available.
  • CSR as Strategic and Organizational Change at “Groupe La Poste”.

    Marc INGHAM, Christelle HAVARD
    Journal of Business Ethics | 2015
    No summary available.
  • Analysis of organizational learning processes in the context of cooperations involving research and development projects.

    Marc INGHAM, Gerard KOENIG
    No summary available.
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