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  • 2021
  • 2017
  • 2014
  • The weapons of transition: collective intelligence in the service of ecology.

    Pierre GILBERT, Dominique jacqueline BOURGEOIS, Stephane LA BRANCHE, Yves MARIGNAC, Valerie CABANES, Jean JOUZEL, Thibaud GRIESSINGER, Philippe DESCOLA, Emmanuel de ROMEMONT, Herve KEMPF, Marc DUFUMIER, Jean marc LIGNY, Vincent VERZAT, Alain GRANDJEAN, Bastien ALEX, Mathilde IMER, Camille ETIENNE
    Faced with climate change, the immensity of the challenge is enough to cause fear and paralysis. However, this book is intended to be a message of hope, in that it attempts to show that collective intelligence, when well organized, can concretely trace the way out of the crisis. Bringing together a climatologist, a lawyer, an economist or a philosopher as well as a science fiction author, a video maker or an army general, among others, it demonstrates that each of them, in his or her practice and discipline, holds part of the solution. One of the weapons of transition. Fourteen experts have agreed to answer the same set of questions. What does their discipline contribute to the transition? What concepts or certainties have they already forged? How can their conclusions be transformed into public policy? What program elements could they suggest to a presidential candidate? And so on. In the preamble and on the end pages, two young activists add their voices as citizens committed to the climate to the reflections of these contributors. Together, far from fear and resignation, they open up avenues for a future that is not only livable, but enviable.
  • Carbon price signal: where do we stand?

    Alain GRANDJEAN, Mireille MARTINI
    Futuribles | 2017
    No summary available.
  • For an ambitious energy transition law.

    Patrick CRIQUI, Gilles DARMOIS, Alain GRANDJEAN, Nicolas HULOT, Christophe SCHRAMM, Corentin SIVY
    Le Monde | 2014
    No summary available.
  • Full tank please! the solution to the energy problem.

    Jean marc JANCOVICI, Alain GRANDJEAN
    No summary available.
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