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  • 2013 - 2014
    Université Catholique de Louvain
  • 2013 - 2014
    Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
  • 2013 - 2014
    Économie quantitative, intégration, politiques publiques et econométrie
  • 1999 - 2000
    Universite d aix marseille ii
  • 1999 - 2000
    Aix-Marseille school of economics
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013
  • 2000
  • Public goods, voting, and growth.

    Kirill BORISSOV, Joseph HANNA, Stephane LAMBRECHT
    Journal of Public Economic Theory | 2019
    No summary available.
  • Three essays on the taxation of inheritances.

    Erwan MOUSSAULT, Pascal BELAN, Laurence JACQUET, Pascal BELAN, Stephane LAMBRECHT, Emmanuel THIBAULT, Bertrand WIGNIOLLE
    The objective of this thesis is to study the impact of the introduction of inheritance taxes on growth and labor supply, by considering the diversity of intergenerational family transfers. Indeed, family transmission can be educational, cultural, patrimonial, or even perceived as a transfer of time. All these forms of family solidarity generate externalities, which have a different impact on growth and the supply of labor, which may affect the effectiveness of tax policies. For example, the estate tax reduces the incentive to save but may increase educational investment or time transfers, which may positively affect household productivity and labor supply. Here we develop theoretical models with nested generations and altruism towards descendants. The thesis is composed of three chapters. The first chapter studies the impact of the non-availability of public debt on the intergenerational redistribution policy implemented by the government, using only the tax on labor income and the estate tax. It also allows for an analysis of its effect on economic growth and intergenerational family transfers, consisting of bequests and education expenditures, by highlighting the central role of inheritance taxation. The second chapter proposes a model with bequests and downward time transfers, whose objective is to show the differences between inheritance taxation and life-cycle capital taxation on household behavior. We show that using inheritance taxation instead of capital taxation can be a Pareto-improving reform, depending on the effect of the reform on labor supply. Finally, the third chapter also looks at the comparison between capital taxation and inheritance taxation, in a model where dynasties are different in terms of productivity and level of altruism. This chapter shows that applying the estate tax instead of the capital tax can improve the welfare of the less altruistic in the long run and, in some cases, can be Pareto-improving, if the resources available to the more altruistic increase with the reform.
  • Concessions/partnerships, social welfare and urban mobility.

    Stephane LAMBRECHT
    Colloque "Négociation et activités du transport" | 2016
    No summary available.
  • Heterogeneity in preferences for transportation modes: Effects on modal split and urban pollution.

    Chokri DRIDI, Joseph HANNA, Stephane LAMBRECHT
    The 3rd FAERE Annual Conference | 2016
    No summary available.
  • Education, pensions and generational pact.

    Stephane LAMBRECHT
    Colloque annuel de la Chaire Transitions Démographiques, Transitions Économiques : "Refonder le pacte intergénérationnel" | 2015
    No summary available.
  • Natural Resources : Should Property be Private or Public ?

    World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists (WCERE) | 2014
    No summary available.
  • Natural Resources : Should Property be Private or Public ?

    1ère conférence annuelle de la French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (FAERE) | 2014
    No summary available.
  • Environmental Policy in a Dynamic Model with Heterogeneous Agents and Voting.

    Kirill BORISSOV, Thierry BRECHET, Stephane LAMBRECHT
    Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics | 2014
    No summary available.
  • Concluding remarks and future prospects.

    Stephane LAMBRECHT
    3ème workshop doctoral international de l'International Association of Tourism Economics | 2014
    No summary available.
  • Environmental Policy in a Dynamic Model with Heterogeneous Agents and Voting.

    Stephane LAMBRECHT
    Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics | 2014
    No summary available.
  • Invest in youth to restore equity between generations.

    Stephane LAMBRECHT, Jacques PELLETAN, Nathalie CHUSSEAU
    La France face au vieillissement : le grand défi | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Ocean Economics.

    Stephane LAMBRECHT
    2ème conférence on Environmental and Energy Economics | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Heterogenous agents, public investment and growth in an intertemporal voting equilibrium model.

    Joseph HANNA, Stephane LAMBRECHT, Kirill BORISSOV
    14th annual conference of the Association for Public Economic Theory (APET) | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Family altruism and macroeconomic implications.

    Stephane LAMBRECHT, Philippe MICHEL
    Altruism is one of the explanations given by economists to account for intergenerational transfers within the family. Parents are interested in the well-being of their children and play on intergenerational solidarity in their favour. In macroeconomic models with overlapping generations, the instance where altruism develops is the dynasty. This thesis refocuses the study of intergenerational solidarities on the family. In contrast to the anonymous exchanges of markets, private transfers within families are characterized by non-anonymity stemming from the frequency of contacts and the small number of participants in these contacts. The inter-generational economy is made up of a sequence of families that follow one another over time. This conception of intergenerational transfers leads to a formulation of altruism different from Barro's dynastic altruism. Instead of the utility of the descendant, it is the income that he receives during the period of coexistence with his ascendant that enters the latter's utility function. In contrast to Barro's dynastic model, this conception of the family and the specification of altruism that is induced by it form the basis of the family model. There can be a multiplicity of stationary equilibria with altruism operating, including over-accumulation (chapter I). Pensions are neutral (chapter II) but public debt is not insofar as, unlike pensions, it modifies the family income taken into account by the altruistic head of household (chapter III). If one introduces the educational expenses incurred by heads of families in favour of their descendants, under certain conditions, there is an optimal level of pensions that maximizes the long-run growth rate of the economy.
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