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Topics of productions
  • 2015 - 2019
    Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Innovations Sociétales
  • 2012 - 2019
    Laboratoire PRINTEMPS (Professions, Institutions, Temporalités)
  • 2018 - 2019
    Université Rennes 2
  • 2009 - 2010
    Université de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013
  • 2010
  • Is neoliberalism inevitable?

    Julien DUVAL, Carine OLLIVIER
    Cinquante questions de sociologie | 2020
    No summary available.
  • Reviewing forty years of Work and Employment.

    Christine ERHEL, Thomas AMOSSE, Bruno DUCOUDRE, Arnaud MIAS, Carine OLLIVIER, Camille PEUGNY, Laure PITTI, Geraldine RIEUCAU, Veronique SIMONNET
    Travail et Emploi | 2019
    No summary available.
  • Understanding or managing the farm animal: an interactionist analysis.

    Carine OLLIVIER, Veronique VAN TILBEURGH
    Humains et animaux dans les agricultures alternatives, la domination en question | 2019
    No summary available.
  • Reviewing forty years of Work and Employment.

    Thomas AMOSSE, Bruno DUCOUDRE, Christine ERHEL, Arnaud MIAS, Carine OLLIVIER, Camille PEUGNY, Laure PITTI, Geraldine RIEUCAU, Veronique SIMONNET
    Travail et emploi | 2019
    To what extent does the evolution of the articles published since 1979 in Work and Employment draw a coherent story? To try to answer this question, we propose an analysis of the articles that have appeared in the journal over the last four decades, based on their titles and keywords. Three types of arguments are mobilized to account for and shed light on this history. As Travail et Emploi was initially an administrative journal, published by the Ministry of Labour, the evolution of its articles is partly linked to the ups and downs of legislative news, public policies and statistical production. It can also be partly due to the changes in the way social sciences look at work and employment from the moment Travail et Emploi became a resolutely academic journal. Finally, these evolutions also reflect, quite naturally, the real and profound transformations of work and employment in the field, in the lives of workers and enterprises.
  • Reviewing forty years of Work and Employment.

    Thomas AMOSSE, Bruno DUCOUDRE, Arnaud MIAS, Carine OLLIVIER, Laure PITTI, Geraldine RIEUCAU, Christine ERHEL, Camille PEUGNY, Veronique SIMONNET
    Travail et Emploi | 2019
    To what extent does the evolution of the articles published since 1979 in Work and Employment draw a coherent story? To try to answer this question, we propose an analysis of the articles that have appeared in the journal over the last four decades, based on their titles and keywords. Three types of arguments are mobilized to account for and shed light on this history. As Travail et Emploi was initially an administrative journal, published by the Ministry of Labour, the evolution of its articles is partly linked to the ups and downs of legislative news, public policies and statistical production. It can also be partly due to the changes in the way social sciences look at work and employment from the moment Travail et Emploi became a resolutely academic journal. Finally, these evolutions also reflect, quite naturally, the real and profound transformations of work and employment in the field, in the lives of workers and enterprises.
  • Reviewing forty years of Work and Employment.

    Thomas AMOSSE, Bruno DUCOUDRE, Christine ERHEL, Arnaud MIAS, Carine OLLIVIER, Camille PEUGNY, Laure PITTI, Geraldine RIEUCAU, Veronique SIMONNET
    Travail et Emploi | 2019
    To what extent does the evolution of the articles published since 1979 in Work and Employment draw a coherent story? To try to answer this question, we propose an analysis of the articles that have appeared in the journal over the last four decades, based on their titles and keywords. Three types of arguments are mobilized to account for and shed light on this history. As Travail et Emploi was initially an administrative journal, published by the Ministry of Labour, the evolution of its articles is partly linked to the ups and downs of legislative news, public policies and statistical production. It can also be partly due to the changes in the way social sciences look at work and employment from the moment Travail et Emploi became a resolutely academic journal. Finally, these evolutions also reflect, quite naturally, the real and profound transformations of work and employment in the field, in the lives of workers and enterprises.
  • The construction of the professional jurisdiction of personal problems: translation of A.

    Carine OLLIVIER, Thomas LE BIANIC
    La sociologie d’Andrew Abbott / D. Demazière et M. Jouvenet (dir.) | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Who understands animals best? Ethology as a tracer of jurisdictional struggles around animal welfare.

    Carine OLLIVIER
    Les figures de l’animal d’élevage / P. Boudes et V. Vatilbeurgh | 2018
    No summary available.
  • The Actuary Profession: Marker of Evolution in the Insurance Sector.

    Carine OLLIVIER
    Insurance Workshop | 2017
    No summary available.
  • Is it in the interest of the professions to go international? The role of international associations in the defense of national professional interests.

    Carine OLLIVIER
    Sociologie des pouvoirs, pouvoirs de la sociologie | 2017
    No summary available.
  • Taking advantage of the blur to establish jurisdiction. Actuaries facing Risk Management and Big Data.

    Carine OLLIVIER
    Sociologie des pouvoirs, pouvoirs de la sociologie | 2017
    No summary available.
  • Levels of competition and mobilization springs: rereading the jurisdictional struggles.

    Carine OLLIVIER
    Andrew Abbott et l'héritage de l'école de Chicago / sous la direction de Didier Demazière et Morgan Jouvenet | 2016
    No summary available.
  • Du coeur à l'ouvrage. Art craftsmen in France, A. Jourdain.

    Carine OLLIVIER
    Sociologie du travail | 2016
    No summary available.
  • Reports.

    Carine OLLIVIER
    Sociologie du Travail | 2016
    No summary available.
  • The actuary at the crossroads.

    Carine OLLIVIER
    Actuaris : séminaires de la chaire PARI | 2016
    No summary available.
  • Who understands animals best? Ethology as a tracer of jurisdictional struggles around animal welfare.

    Carine OLLIVIER
    RT1 – AFS 4ème journée des doctorants en sociologie des groupes professionnels | 2016
    No summary available.
  • Group consciousness and spokesperson: when a professional group becomes a collective actor.

    Carine OLLIVIER
    Faire système des savoirs en sciences sociales : implications théoriques et réflexives d'un dialogue entre Pierre Bourdieu et Andrew Abbott | 2016
    No summary available.
  • The art of the pig? Legitimacy of knowledge and complexity of jurisdictions in pig farming.

    Carine OLLIVIER
    6e congrès de l’AFS : la sociologie, une science contre nature ? | 2015
    No summary available.
  • Self-employment and wage employment: reversed fronts and fragmentation. Forms of employment in the architectural trades market.

    Olivier CHADOIN, Carine OLLIVIER
    14 èmes Journées Internationales de Sociologie du Travail | 2014
    The architects' labor market is traditionally characterized by a very strong influence of self-employment or "atypical jobs" (fixed-term contracts, internships, temporary work), the latter functioning as adjustment variables in a services market marked by very strong economic irregularity. In this respect, it offers itself as a privileged observation post for understanding the transformations of the forms of wage employment, all the more so since, while some argue that the recompositions at work draw the enchanted figure of a new professional free of all constraints, the empirical survey shows, on the contrary, how the professional trajectories of these actors are overdetermined by permanent exposure to market tensions. However, the architectural labor market is of further interest in terms of an examination of the margins of employment. For several years now, we have been observing the rise of more permanent forms of employment, particularly in fields of activity that offer architects new outlets. These forms of employment tend to destabilize architectural professionals who are accustomed to thinking of their identity in terms of the liberal professional model. In this respect, the architectural labor market functions as a negative of the labor market in general: atypical jobs have long been the norm, while salary stability is seen as a marginal or temporary situation (especially at the beginning of one's career). From then on, the paradoxical situation of architecture allows us to think about the dialectic of the margins and the center in the labor markets by showing to what extent this dichotomy is the result of a social and normative construction.
  • Articulate qualitative and quantitative approaches.

    Claire LEMERCIER, Carine OLLIVIER, Claire ZALC
    Devenir chercheur | 2013
    It is usual to think that one method and one method only corresponds to a given scale of analysis, source, theory or way of presenting results: "quantitative researchers" are supposed to work on large populations and to be able to generalize their observations; "qualitative researchers" are supposed to describe and interpret fine but still locally situated mechanisms. And yet, we would like to convince you here that these methodological assignments are not always justified, that the opposition between "quanti" and "quali" has little reason to exist, or even better, that it can be exciting and profitable to attempt, in a humanities and social sciences thesis, to articulate the two approaches. This articulation is not always as difficult as you might think, as we will show you by first explaining why it is necessary to articulate these approaches, and then giving you some hints on the many ways to proceed.
  • Sociological analysis of competition: the key to understanding the evolution of markets.

    Carine OLLIVIER
    Les marchés sous analyse scientifique : démarches, concepts et stratégies de recherche | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Division of labor and competition in the interior design market. Proposals for an analysis of the forms of professional groups.

    Carine OLLIVIER
    Séminaire doctoral « La fabrique de la recherche » | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Articulate qualitative and quantitative approaches.

    Claire LEMERCIER, Carine OLLIVIER, Claire ZALC
    Devenir chercheur | 2013
    It is usual to think that one method and one method only corresponds to a given scale of analysis, source, theory or way of presenting results: "quantitative researchers" are supposed to work on large populations and to be able to generalize their observations; "qualitative researchers" are supposed to describe and interpret fine but still locally situated mechanisms. And yet, we would like to convince you here that these methodological assignments are not always justified, that the opposition between "quanti" and "quali" has little reason to exist, or even better, that it can be exciting and profitable to attempt, in a humanities and social sciences thesis, to articulate the two approaches. This articulation is not always as difficult as you might think, as we will show you by first explaining why it is necessary to articulate these approaches, and then giving you some hints on the many ways to proceed.
  • Interior designers: division of labor and competition.

    This thesis is devoted to the study of the division of labor and competition in the project management market, focusing on the particular case of interior architects. The first part deals with the birth and development of this professional group. It shows that the relationship between interior designers, architects and decorators has changed since the 1950s, moving from non-exclusive periods of ignorance or collaboration, to periods of conflict. The question of the autonomization of the interior design group on the Anglo-Saxon model of the "established professions" will only appear at a precise moment in this history as a competitive strategy in an older division of labor, and then as a means, for a part of the group, to reduce the uncertainty in the market for design and construction services. The second part of the thesis focuses on the means of identifying the content and the contours of the group, by successively analyzing the categories that make it possible to grasp it and the content of the tasks that its members assume. The third part focuses on this service market, analyzing the cooperation networks between interior architects and construction companies, the nature of the service relationship that this market institutes, and the shape of the careers of these professionals.
Affiliations are detected from the signatures of publications identified in scanR. An author can therefore appear to be affiliated with several structures or supervisors according to these signatures. The dates displayed correspond only to the dates of the publications found. For more information, see https://scanr.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr