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  • 2014 - 2021
    Université de Bordeaux
  • 2012 - 2021
    Institut de mathématiques de Bordeaux
  • 2009 - 2010
    Communauté d'universités et établissements Université Bretagne Loire
  • 2009 - 2010
    Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes
  • 2009 - 2010
    Ecole Doctorale Mathématiques, Télécommunications, Informatique, Signal, Systèmes, Electronique
  • 2009 - 2010
    Université Rennes 1
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013
  • 2010
  • Reflected BSDEs in non-convex domains.

    Jean francois CHASSAGNEUX, Sergey NADTOCHIY, Adrien RICHOU
    No summary available.
  • Switching problems with controlled randomisation and associated obliquely reflected BSDEs.

    Cyril BENEZET, Jean francois CHASSAGNEUX, Adrien RICHOU
    We introduce and study a new class of optimal switching problems, namely switching problem with controlled randomisation, where some extra-randomness impacts the choice of switching modes and associated costs. We show that the optimal value of the switching problem is related to a new class of multidimensional obliquely reflected BSDEs. These BSDEs allow as well to construct an optimal strategy and thus to solve completely the initial problem. The other main contribution of our work is to prove new existence and uniqueness results for these obliquely reflected BSDEs. This is achieved by a careful study of the domain of reflection and the construction of an appropriate oblique reflection operator in order to invoke results from [7].
  • Study of numerical methods for partial hedging and switching problems with costs uncertainty.

    Cyril BENEZET, Jean francois CHASSAGNEUX, Agnes SULEM, Jean francois CHASSAGNEUX, Agnes SULEM, Romuald ELIE, Idris KHARROUBI, Emmanuel GOBET, Huyen PHAM, Adrien RICHOU, Romuald ELIE
    In this thesis, we make some contributions to the theoretical and numerical study of some stochastic control problems, as well as their applications to financial mathematics and financial risk management. These applications concern problems of valuation and weak hedging of financial products, as well as regulatory issues. We propose numerical methods to efficiently compute these quantities for which no explicit formula exists. Finally, we study backward stochastic differential equations related to new switching problems with cost uncertainty.
  • Rate of convergence for the discrete-time approximation of reflected BSDEs arising in switching problems.

    Jean francois CHASSAGNEUX, Adrien RICHOU
    Stochastic Processes and their Applications | 2019
    In this paper, we prove new convergence results improving the ones by Chassagneux, Elie and Kharroubi [Ann. Appl. Probab. 22 (2012) 971–1007] for the discrete-time approximation of multidimensional obliquely reflected BSDEs. These BSDEs, arising in the study of switching problems, were considered by Hu and Tang [Probab. Theory Related Fields 147 (2010) 89–121] and generalized by Hamadène and Zhang [Stochastic Process. Appl.
  • A stability approach for solving multidimensional quadratic BSDEs.

    Jonathan HARTER, Adrien RICHOU
    Electronic Journal of Probability | 2019
    We establish an existence and uniqueness result for a class of multidimensional quadratic backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs). This class is characterized by constraints on some uniform a priori estimates on solutions of a sequence of approximated BSDEs. We also present effective examples of applications. Our approach relies on the strategy developed by Briand and Elie in [Stochastic Process. Appl. 123 2921–2939] concerning scalar quadratic BSDEs.
  • On the Uniqueness of Solutions to Quadratic BSDEs with Non-convex Generators.

    Philippe BRIAND, Adrien RICHOU
    Frontiers in Stochastic Analysis–BSDEs, SPDEs and their Applications | 2019
    In this paper we prove some uniqueness results for quadratic backward stochastic differential equations without any convexity assumptions on the generator. The bounded case is revisited while some new results are obtained in the unbounded case when the terminal condition and the generator depend on the path of a forward stochastic differential equation. Some of these results are based on strong estimates on Z that are interesting on their own and could be applied in other situations.
  • Some results on backward stochastic differential equations and large deviation principles for estimators of diffusion parameters.

    Adrien RICHOU
    No summary available.
  • Obliquely Reflected Backward Stochastic Differential Equations.

    Jean francois CHASSAGNEUX, Adrien RICHOU
    In this paper, we study existence and uniqueness to multidimensional Reflected Backward Stochastic Differential Equations in an open convex domain, allowing for oblique directions of reflection. In a Markovian framework, combining a priori estimates for penalised equations and compactness arguments, we obtain existence results under quite weak assumptions on the driver of the BSDEs and the direction of reflection, which is allowed to depend on both Y and Z. In a non Markovian framework, we obtain existence and uniqueness result for direction of reflection depending on time and Y. We make use in this case of stability estimates that require some smoothness conditions on the domain and the direction of reflection.
  • Large deviations for the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process without tears.

    Bernard BERCU, Adrien RICHOU
    Statistics & Probability Letters | 2017
    Our goal is to establish large deviations and concentration inequalities for the maximum likelihood estimator of the drift parameter of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process without tears. We propose a new strategy to establish large deviation results which allows us, via a suitable transformation, to circumvent the classical difficulty of non-steepness. Our approach holds in the stable case where the process is positive recurrent as well as in the unstable and explosive cases where the process is respectively null recurrent and transient. Notwithstanding of this trichotomy, we also provide new concentration inequalities for the maximum likelihood estimator.
  • On the uniqueness of solutions to quadratic BSDEs with non-convex generators.

    Philippe BRIAND, Adrien RICHOU
    In this paper we prove some uniqueness results for quadratic backward stochastic differential equations without any convexity assumptions on the generator. The bounded case is revisited while some new results are obtained in the unbounded case when the terminal condition and the generator depend on the path of a forward stochastic differential equation. Some of these results are based on strong estimates on Z that are interesting on their own and could be applied in other situations.
  • Numerical simulation of quadratic BSDEs.

    Jean francois CHASSAGNEUX, Adrien RICHOU
    The Annals of Applied Probability | 2016
    This article deals with the numerical approximation of Markovian backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) with generators of quadratic growth with respect to $z$ and bounded terminal conditions. We first study a slight modification of the classical dynamic programming equation arising from the time-discretization of BSDEs. By using a linearization argument and BMO martingales tools, we obtain a comparison theorem, a priori estimates and stability results for the solution of this scheme. Then we provide a control on the time-discretization error of order $\frac{1}{2}-\varepsilon$ for all $\varepsilon>0$. In the last part, we give a fully implementable algorithm for quadratic BSDEs based on quantization and illustrate our convergence results with numerical examples.
  • Numerical Stability Analysis of the Euler Scheme for BSDEs.

    Jean francois CHASSAGNEUX, Adrien RICHOU
    SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis | 2015
    In this paper, we study the qualitative behaviour of approximation schemes for Backward Stochastic Differential Equations (BSDEs) by introducing a new notion of numerical stability. For the Euler scheme, we provide sufficient conditions in the one-dimensional and multidimensional case to guarantee the numerical stability. We then perform a classical Von Neumann stability analysis in the case of a linear driver $f$ and exhibit necessary conditions to get stability in this case. Finally, we illustrate our results with numerical applications.
  • Large deviations for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with shift.

    Bernard BERCU, Adrien RICHOU
    Advances in Applied Probability | 2015
    We investigate the large deviation properties of the maximum likelihood estimators for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with shift. We propose a new approach to establish large deviation principles which allows us, via a suitable transformation, to circumvent the classical non-steepness problem. We estimate simultaneously the drift and shift parameters. On the one hand, we prove a large deviation principle for the maximum likelihood estimates of the drift and shift parameters. Surprisingly, we find that the drift estimator shares the same large deviation principle as the one previously established for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process without shift. Sharp large deviation principles are also provided. On the other hand, we show that the maximum likelihood estimator of the shift parameter satisfies a large deviation principle with a very unusual implicit rate function.
  • On the uniqueness of solutions to quadratic BSDEs with convex generators and unbounded terminal conditions: The critical case.

    Freddy DELBAEN, Ying HU, Adrien RICHOU
    Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A | 2015
    In [3], the authors proved that uniqueness holds among solutions whose exponentials are $L^p$ with $p$ bigger than a constant $\gamma$ ($p>\gamma$). In this paper, we consider the critical case: $p=\gamma$. We prove that the uniqueness holds among solutions whose exponentials are $L^\gamma$ under the additional assumption that the generator is strongly convex.
  • Large deviations for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with shift.

    Bernard BERCU, Adrien RICHOU
    Advances in Applied Probability | 2015
    We investigate the large deviation properties of the maximum likelihood estimators for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with shift. We propose a new approach to establish large deviation principles which allows us, via a suitable transformation, to circumvent the classical non-steepness problem. We estimate simultaneously the drift and shift parameters. On the one hand, we prove a large deviation principle for the maximum likelihood estimates of the drift and shift parameters. Surprisingly, we find that the drift estimator shares the same large deviation principle as the one previously established for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process without shift. Sharp large deviation principles are also provided. On the other hand, we show that the maximum likelihood estimator of the shift parameter satisfies a large deviation principle with a very unusual implicit rate function.
  • A Probabilistic Approach to Large Time Behavior of Mild Solutions of HJB Equations in Infinite Dimension.

    Ying HU, Pierre yves MADEC, Adrien RICHOU
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization | 2015
    We study the large time behaviour of mild solutions of HJB equations in infinite dimension by a purely probabilistic approach. For that purpose, we show that the solution of a BSDE in finite horizon $T$ taken at initial time behaves like a linear term in $T$ shifted with the solution of the associated EBSDE taken at initial time. Moreover we give an explicit speed of convergence, which seems to appear very rarely in literature.
  • Large deviations for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with shift.

    Bernard BERCU, Adrien RICHOU
    Advances in Applied Probability | 2015
    We investigate the large deviation properties of the maximum likelihood estimators for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with shift. We estimate simultaneously the drift and shift parameters. On the one hand, we establish a large deviation principle for the maximum likelihood estimates of the drift and shift parameters. Surprisingly, we find that the drift estimator shares the same large deviation principle as the one previously established for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process without shift. Sharp large deviation principles are also provided. On the other hand, we show that the maximum likelihood estimator of the shift parameter satisfies a large deviation principle with a very unusual implicit rate function.
  • HJB equations in infinite dimensions with locally Lipschitz Hamiltonian and unbounded terminal condition.

    Federica MASIERO, Adrien RICHOU
    Journal of Differential Equations | 2014
    We study Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equations in an infinite dimensional Hilbert space, with Lipschitz coefficients, where the Hamiltonian has superquadratic growth with respect to the derivative of the value function, and the final condition is not bounded. This allows to study stochastic optimal control problems for suitable controlled state equations with unbounded control processes. The results are applied to a controlled wave equation.
  • Large deviations for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with shift.

    Bernard BERCU, Adrien RICHOU
    We investigate the large deviation properties of the maximum likelihood estimators for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with shift. We propose a new approach to establish large deviation principles which allows us, via a suitable transformation, to circumvent the classical non-steepness problem. We estimate simultaneously the drift and shift parameters. On the one hand, we prove a large deviation principle for the maximum likelihood estimates of the drift and shift parameters. Surprisingly, we find that the drift estimator shares the same large deviation principle as the one previously established for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process without shift. Sharp large deviation principles are also provided. On the other hand, we show that the maximum likelihood estimator of the shift parameter satisfies a large deviation principle with a very unusual implicit rate function.
  • A note on the existence of solutions to Markovian superquadratic BSDEs with an unbounded terminal condition.

    Adrien RICHOU, Federica MASIERO
    Electronic Journal of Probability | 2013
    In [Stochastc Process. Appl., 122(9):3173-3208], the author proved the existence and the uniqueness of solutions to Markovian superquadratic BSDEs with an unbounded terminal condition when the generator and the terminal condition are locally Lipschitz. In this paper, we prove that the existence result remains true for these BSDEs when the regularity assumptions on the terminal condition is weakened.
  • Theoretical and numerical study of stochastic backward differential equations.

    Adrien RICHOU
    In a first step, we study a new class of backward stochastic differential equations (denoted EDSRs) which are related to semi-linear Neumann conditions for ergodic phenomena. The particularity of these problems is that the ergodic constant appears in the edge condition. We study the existence and uniqueness of solutions for such ergodic EDSRs as well as the link with partial differential equations and we apply these results to optimal ergodic control problems. In a second part we generalize the work of P.
  • Theoretical and numerical study of stochastic backward differential equations.

    Adrien RICHOU, Ying HU, Philippe BRIAND
    In a first step, we study a new class of backward stochastic differential equations (denoted EDSRs) which are related to semi-linear Neumann conditions for ergodic phenomena. The particularity of these problems is that the ergodic constant appears in the edge condition. We study the existence and uniqueness of solutions for such ergodic EDSRs as well as the link with partial differential equations and we apply these results to optimal ergodic control problems. In a second part we generalize the work of P.
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