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  • 2017 - 2021
    Dauphine recherches en management
  • 2017 - 2018
    Ecole doctorale de dauphine
  • 2017 - 2018
    Université Paris-Dauphine
  • 2017 - 2018
    Communauté d'universités et établissements Université de Recherche Paris Sciences et Lettres
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • A self-exciting model of mutual fund flows: Investor Behaviour and Liability Risk.

    Gaelle LE FOL, Serge DAROLLES, Ran SUN, Yang LU
    This paper analyses the purchase and redemption behaviour of mutual fund investors and its implications on fund liquidity risk. We collect a novel set of proprietary data which contains a large number of French investors holding funds with various degrees of asset liquidity. We build a Self-Exciting Poisson model capturing fund flows' clustering effects and over-dispersion. The model improves the forecast accuracy of future flows and provides a reliable risk indicator (Flow Value at Risk.) Accordingly, we introduce the notion of liability risk where investor's behaviour increases mutual fund liquidity risk. We further decompose fund flows into investor categories. We find that investors exhibit high heterogeneous behaviour, and a lead-lag relation exists between them. Finally, we control flow dynamics for various economic conditions. We show that although flows evolve with economic conditions, investor's behaviour stays the main significant determinant of flows' randomness. Our findings encourage fund manager to adopt an ALM approach.
  • 19q13 KRAB zinc-finger protein ZNF471 activates MAPK10/JNK3 signaling but is frequently silenced by promoter CpG methylation in esophageal cancer.

    Ran SUN, Tingxiu XIANG, Jun TANG, Weiyan PENG, Jie LUO, Lili LI, Zhu QIU, Yiqing TAN, Lin YE, Min ZHANG, Guosheng REN, Qian TAO
    Theranostics | 2020
    No summary available.
  • Bivariate integer-autoregressive process with an application to mutual fund flows.

    Serge DAROLLES, Gaelle le FOL, Yang LU, Ran SUN
    Journal of Multivariate Analysis | 2019
    We propose a new family of bivariate nonnegative integer-autoregressive (BINAR) models for count process data. We first generalize the existing BINAR(1) model by allowing for dependent thinning operators and arbitrary innovation distribution. The extended family allows for intuitive interpretation, as well as tractable aggregation and stationarity properties. We then introduce higher order BINAR(p) and BINAR(∞) dynamics to accommodate more flexible serial dependence patterns. So far, the literature has regarded such models as computationally intractable. We show that the extended BINAR family allows for closed-form predictive distributions at any horizons and for any values of , which significantly facilitates non-linear forecasting and likelihood based estimation. Finally, a BINAR model with memory persistence is applied to open-ended mutual fund purchase and redemption order counts.
  • Liquidity Risk in the Universe of Open-End Funds.

    Ran SUN
    This thesis studies the behaviour of investors in open-end mutual funds and its implications to the liquidity risk. We seek to help the fund managers to avoid the "fund run" scenarios where they loss their clients in a sudden way. We begin our research by collecting a unique data set which records the micro-transactions of fund investors. It allows us to monitor investors’ behaviour at the individual level and to accomplish three research articles around this topic. In the first article, we develop a self-exciting counting process to model the stylized facts of fund flows. Therefrom, we highlight a novel risk linked to the fund liability which is different than the asset-related risk documented by the previous literature. We also identify a liquidity contagion among different investors in a same fund. In the next chapter, we study the dispersion in the investing horizons of individual fund clients. These horizons are strongly determined by investors’ characteristics and economic conditions. We show that the fund managers suffer a pre-mature redemption risk, i.e. clients shorten their investing horizons and redeem pre-maturely. Especially, we observe a heterogeneity among investors: long-term ones bring a higher pre-mature redemption risk. In the last chapter, we are interested in the rebalance behaviour. We find that numerous investors hold a multi-funds portfolio and rebalance it to keep the target asset allocation.
  • Liquidity risk in the open-end fund universe.

    Ran SUN, Gaelle LE FOL, Carole GRESSE, Gaelle LE FOL, Carole GRESSE, Christelle LECOURT, Christophe PERIGNON, Christelle LECOURT, Patrick ROGER
    This thesis studies the behavior of investors in open-end mutual funds and its implications for liquidity risk. The objective of this research is to help fund managers avoid the "fund run" scenario where they suddenly lose their clients. The first step of this study is to collect a new database that records investors' "micro-transactions". This allows us to analyze their behavior at the individual level and to conduct three research papers on this topic. In the first paper, we develop a self-exciting counting model that captures stylized facts of the fund flow series. From this, we show a fund liability risk that is different from the asset risk already documented in the previous literature. We also identify a contagion of liquidity shocks across different clients in the same fund. In the next chapter, we study the investment horizons of individual clients. These horizons are strongly related to investor characteristics and economic conditions. We also show that fund managers face a premature exit risk related to the shortening of their clients' investment horizons. We then observe heterogeneity among investors: long-term investors behave differently than short-term investors. Finally, in the last chapter, we focus on rebalancing activities. We find that many investors hold a portfolio containing several funds and rebalance it to keep the same asset allocation.
  • Bivariate INAR Processes with Application to Mutual Fund Share Purchase/Redemption Counts.

    Serge DAROLLES, Gaelle LE FOL, Yang LU, Ran SUN
    SSRN Electronic Journal | 2018
    No summary available.
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