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  • 2019 - 2021
    Centre de mathématiques appliquées
  • 2019 - 2021
    Détermination de Formes Et Identification
  • 2017 - 2018
    Université Paris-Dauphine
  • 2017 - 2018
    Ecole doctorale de dauphine
  • 2017 - 2018
    Communauté d'universités et établissements Université de Recherche Paris Sciences et Lettres
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • Monotone solutions for mean field games master equations : continuous state space and common noise.

    Charles BERTUCCI
    We present the notion of monotone solution of mean field games master equations in the case of a continuous state space. We establish the existence, uniqueness and stability of such solutions under standard assumptions. This notion allows us to work with solutions which are merely continuous in the measure argument, in the case of first order master equations. We study several structures of common noises, in particular ones in which common jumps (or aggregate shocks) can happen randomly, and ones in which the correlation of randomness is carried by an additional parameter.
  • A Spectral Dominance Approach to Large Random Matrices.

    Charles BERTUCCI, Merouane DEBBAH, Jean michel LASRY, Pierre louis LIONS
    This paper presents a novel approach to characterize the dynamics of the limit spectrum of large random matrices. This approach is based upon the notion we call "spectral dominance". In particular, we show that the limit spectral measure can be determined as the derivative of the unique viscosity solution of a partial integro-differential equation. This also allows to make general and "short" proofs for the convergence problem. We treat the cases of Dyson Brownian motions, Wishart processes and present a general class of models for which this characterization holds.
  • A remark on Uzawa’s algorithm and an application to mean field games systems.

    Charles BERTUCCI
    ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis | 2020
    In this paper, we present an extension of Uzawa's algorithm and apply it to build approximating sequences of mean field games systems. We prove that Uzawa's iterations can be used in a more general situation than the one in it is usually used. We then present some numerical results of those iterations on discrete mean field games systems of optimal stopping, impulse control and continuous control.
  • Fokker-Planck equations of jumping particles and mean field games of impulse control.

    Charles BERTUCCI
    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire | 2020
    This paper is interested in the description of the density of particles evolving according to some optimal policy of an impulse control problem. We first fix sets on which the particles jump and explain how we can characterize such a density. We then investigate the coupled case in which the underlying impulse control problem depends on the density we are looking for : the mean field games of impulse control. In both cases, we give a variational characterization of the densities of jumping particles.
  • Monotone solutions for mean field games master equations : finite state space and optimal stopping.

    Charles BERTUCCI
    We present a new notion of solution for mean field games master equations. This notion allows us to work with solutions which are merely continuous. We prove first results of uniqueness and stability for such solutions. It turns out that this notion is helpful to characterize the value function of mean field games of optimal stopping or impulse control and this is the topic of the second half of this paper. The notion of solution we introduce is only useful in the monotone case. We focus in this paper in the finite state space case.
  • A class of short-term models for the oil industry addressing speculative storage.

    Yves ACHDOU, Charles BERTUCCI, Jean michel LASRY, Pierre louis LIONS, Jose SCHEINKMAN, Antoine ROSTAND
    This is a work in progress. The aim is to propose a plausible mechanism for the short term dynamics of the oil market based on the interaction of economic agents. This is a theoretical research which by no means aim at describing all the aspects of the oil market. In particular, we use the tools and terminology of game theory, but we do not claim that this game actually exists in the real world. In parallel, we are currently studying and calibrating a long term model for the oil industry, which addresses the interactions of a monopolists with a competitive fringe of small producers. It is the object of another paper that will be available soon. The present premiminary version does not contain all the economic arguments and all the connections with our long term model. It mostly addresses the description of the model, the equations and numerical simulations focused on the oil industry short term dynamics. A more complete version will be available soon.
  • Master equation for the finite state space planning problem.

    Charles BERTUCCI, Jean michel LASRY, Pierre louis LIONS
    We present results of existence, regularity and uniqueness of solutions of the master equation associated with the mean field planning problem in the finite state space case, in the presence of a common noise. The results hold under monotonicity assumptions, which are used crucially in the different proofs of the paper. We also make a link with the trajectories induced by the solution of the master equation and start a discussion on the case of boundary conditions.
  • Strategic advantages in mean field games with a major player.

    Charles BERTUCCI, Jean michel LASRY, Pierre louis LIONS
    This note is concerned with a modeling question arising from the mean field games theory. We show how to model mean field games involving a major player which has a strategic advantage, while only allowing closed loop markovian strategies for all the players. We illustrate this property through three examples.
  • Some remarks on mean field games.

    Charles BERTUCCI, Jean michel LASRY, Pierre louis LIONS
    Communications in Partial Differential Equations | 2019
    We study in this paper three aspects of Mean Field Games. The first one is the case when the dynamics of each player depend on the strategies of the other players. The second one concerns the modeling of " noise " in discrete space models and the formulation of the Master Equation in this case. Finally, we show how Mean Field Games reduce to agent based models when the intertemporal preference rate goes to infinity, i.e. when the anticipation of the players vanishes.
  • Fokker-Planck equations of jumping particles and mean field games of impulse control.

    Charles BERTUCCI
    This paper is interested in the description of the density of particles evolving according to some optimal policy of an impulse control problem. We first fix sets on which the particles jump and explain how we can characterize such a density. We then investigate the coupled case in which the underlying impulse control problem depends on the density we are looking for : the mean field games of impulse control. In both cases, we give a variational characterization of the densities of jumping particles.
  • A remark on Uzawa's algorithm and an application to mean field games systems.

    Charles BERTUCCI
    In this paper, we present an extension of Uzawa's algorithm and apply it to build approximating sequences of mean field games systems. We prove that Uzawa's iterations can be used in a more general situation than the one in it is usually used. We then present some numerical results of those iterations on discrete mean field games systems of optimal stopping, impulse control and continuous control.
  • Optimal stopping problem in mean field games.

    Charles BERTUCCI
    This thesis is concerned with new models of mean field games. First, we study models of optimal stopping and impulse control in the case when there is no common noise. We build an appropriate notion of solutions for those models. We prove the existence and the uniqueness of such solutions under natural assumptions. Then, we are interested with several properties of mean field games. We study the limit of such models when the anticipation of the players vanishes. We show that uniqueness holds for strongly coupled mean field games (coupled via strategies) under certain assumptions. We then prove some regularity results for the master equation in a discrete state space case with common noise. We continue by giving a generalization of Uzawa’s algorithm and we apply it to solve numerically some mean field games, especially optimal stopping and impulse control problems. The last chapter presents an application of mean field games. This application originates from problems in telecommunications which involve a huge number of connected devices.
  • Contributions to medium field game theory.

    Charles BERTUCCI, Pierre louis LIONS, Sylvain SORIN, Pierre louis LIONS, Sylvain SORIN, Yves ACHDOU, Alessio PORRETTA, Pierre CARDALIAGUET, Jean michel LASRY, Italo CAPUZZO DOLCETTA, Alain BENSOUSSAN, Yves ACHDOU, Alessio PORRETTA
    This thesis deals with the study of new medium field game models. We first study optimal stopping and impulse control models in the absence of common noise. We construct for these models a notion of adapted solution for which we prove existence and uniqueness results under natural assumptions. Then, we focus on several properties of mean-field games. We study the limit of these models to pure evolution models when the players' anticipation tends to 0. We show the uniqueness of equilibria for strongly coupled systems (coupled by strategies) under certain assumptions. We then prove some regularity results on a master equation that models a mean field game with common noise in a discrete state space. We then present a generalization of the standard Uzawa algorithm and apply it to the numerical solution of some mean-field game models, in particular optimal stopping or impulse control. Finally, we present a concrete case of mean-field game that comes from problems involving a large number of connected devices in telecommunications.
  • Transmit Strategies for Massive Machine-Type Communications based on Mean Field Games.

    Charles BERTUCCI, Spyridon VASSILARAS, Jean michel LASRY, Georgios s. PASCHOS, Merouane DEBBAH, Pierre louis LIONS
    2018 15th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS) | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Some remarks on Mean Field Games.

    Charles BERTUCCI, Jean michel LASRY, Pierre louis LIONS
    We study in this paper three aspects of Mean Field Games. The first one is the case when the dynamics of each player depend on the strategies of the other players. The second one concerns the modeling of " noise " in discrete space models and the formulation of the Master Equation in this case. Finally, we show how Mean Field Games reduce to agent based models when the intertemporal preference rate goes to infinity, i.e. when the anticipation of the players vanishes.
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