Demographic transition
Environmental transition
Financial transition
Digital transition
The Europlace Institute of Finance (EIF), a foundation recognised as being of public utility, promotes research in finance that is particularly focused on the needs of companies.
The Risk Foundation (FDR) was created in 2007 on the initiative of four academic institutions (Centre Economique des Actuaires, Ecole Polytechnique, ENSAE and Université Paris-Dauphine) and four financial institutions (Allianz (formerly AGF), Axa, Groupama and Société Générale) with the aim of contributing to the sustainable development of French research potential in all areas of risk management
The Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB) is an association under the French law of 1901, under the impulse of the Direction Générale du Trésor and the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations. Together with the two foundations (IEF and FdR), the ILB forms the ILB Network. The Institute is named after the mathematician Louis Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Bachelier, who developed the Theory of Speculation. These original ideas were used in the financial markets after being linked to the notion of a hedge portfolio proposed by Black, Scholes and Merton in the 1970s.
13 research programmes and 4 IRDs launched around finance.
Published quarterly, the Cahiers Louis Bachelier present the results of the research programmes hosted by the Institute and its two associated foundations (Fondation du Risque and Institut Europlace de Finance), in a language accessible to a wider audience than academics.
The first ambition of the Labex Finance and Sustainable Growth "FCD" is to orient finance towards sustainable objectives.
Digital, Environmental, Demographic and Financial.
The Opinions & Debates series addresses current economic and financial issues by presenting the most recent research. It also provides policy recommendations.
The ILB DataLab is an applied research unit made up of data scientists who are familiar with the problems of the financial industry.
An international event that has become a landmark.
Hosted in the ILB Network.
The objective of the day is to bring together academics, financial practitioners and regulators to discuss research questions related to the integration of climate risks (and more generally environmental issues) into macroeconomic modelling/forecasting and financial sector risk assessment.
Green and Sustainable Finance (GSF). Finance and Insurance Reloaded (FaIR).
Real estate Finance and Economics (ReFinE).
Women in Science (WiSE).
The ILB Network coordinates more than 70 research programmes within four societal transitions: environmental, digital, demographic and financial.
French universities.
Are mobilised in the ILB Network.
Each year, around 400 researchers, in France and internationally, are linked to ILB chairs and programmes.
The Louis Bachelier Fellows is a forum of excellence for researchers and practitioners. It is a tool for opening up research and ensuring the dissemination of results to stakeholders in France and internationally. The Fellows also form a discussion group whose aim is to identify and imagine new areas of research.
An event organised to promote young researchers.
The ILB Network has an active community of around 3,500 people who follow us online every week.