ILB Event A New Era for Data and Sustainability Cet événement est passé. 22 juin @ 17 H 00 min - 18 H 30 min The Institut Louis Bachelier is happy to present the new data strategy by the European Commission intending to unlock the potential of data as a driver for sustainable growth. The Institut Louis Bachelier data vision is aligned with the European Commission objective to promote the emergence of an ecosystem comprising all players in the data value chain to stimulate data sharing by enhancing access to and reuse of several types of data: public sector, publicly funded, research and private sector data while working alongside the most innovative and useful open data initiatives such as the NGFS. PROGRAM: 5.00 pm: Two keynotes: 1) “Update on the Implementation of the EU Data Strategy” by Daniele Rizzi & Szymon Lewandowski, Policy officers at the European Commission, DG CNECT, Data Policy and Innovation Unit. The three key legal instruments announced by the EU Data Strategy are either being elaborated by the Commission with a view for adoption in 2021 (the Implementing Regulation with a list of High Value Datasets and the Data Act) or already in the process of interinstitutional discussions (proposal for a Data Governance Act). The Data Governance Act aims to foster the availability of data for use by increasing trust in data intermediaries and by strengthening data-sharing mechanisms across the EU. The Implementing Regulation with a list of High Value Datasets complements the Open Data Directive and establishes a fully open and machine-readable layer of public sector information across the EU, in 6 thematic domains including environment, earth observation, geospatial data. The objective of the Data Act is to tackle the legal uncertainties concerning data transactions, particularly in the context of data generated by connected devices. It will also address the emerging practice of B2G data sharing for public interest (including tackling climate change). The EU Data Strategy implementation will be supported by several EU programmes covering the 2021-2027 period, such as the Digital Europe Programme. 2) Presentation of the new NGFS “Bridging the Data Gaps” report by Fabio Natalucci, Deputy director, Money and Capital Markets, IMF, co-chair of the Work Stream on Bridging the Data Gaps, NGFS. The NGFS has set up a dedicated workstream to address the challenge of accessing reliable and usable climate-related data for central banks; it recently published a “Progress report on bridging data gaps” that lays the groundwork for a comprehensive stock-take of the data needs, objectives and activities of stakeholders across the financial sector. The report identifies ways to further enhance the availability, reliability and comparability of climate-related data, and develop policy recommendations to bridge the data gaps identified. 5.45 pm: “Data” roundtable with the participation of: Louis Boulanger, Head of the ILB DataLab. Frederic Chevallier, Research engineer at LSCE (IPSL), Leader of the Inverse modelling for atmospheric and satellite measurements team. Alice Froidevaux, Lead Data Scientist, QuantCube. Olivier Irisson, COO & Head of Financial Operations at Groupe BPCE. 6.30 pm: Wrap-up by Stephane Voisin, Green & Sustainable Finance Program (GSF), Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB) Registration Organizers: With the presence of: ILB partners: Organizer Institut Louis Bachelier, ILB Datalab, Le programme interdisciplinaire <a href="" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:underline;" rel="noopener">Green and Sustainable Finance</a> de l’Institut Louis Bachelier et l’<a href="" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:underline;" rel="noopener">Institut pour la Recherche</a>, Caisse des Dépôts Lieu Teams