Jeudi 13 octobre 2022


9:30 – 11:00: Carbon neutrality

Patrick Criqui (GAEL), Chairman

Olivier Massol (IFP School, CEC), Demand response as a source of flexibility in low-carbon power systems: insights from the French case

Adrien Nicolle (CentraleSupélec, CEC), CCS The economics of CCS infrastructures

Behrang Shirizadeh (Deloitte Economic Advisory), Hydrogen4EU study, 2022 edition : the role of hydrogen in the pathways towards decarbonization of European energy system by 2050


11:00 – 11:30: Coffee break


11: 30 – 13:00: Carbon Pricing and Border Tax adjustment

Maureen Cropper (Maryland University), Chairwoman

Marc Baudry (Paris Nanterre University, CEC), What prospects and challenges for the EU-ETS in the years to come?

Marie Raude (Paris Nanterre University, CEC), Firms in the EU ETS: a categorisation based on transaction behaviour

Etienne Espagne (The World Bank), Impacts of CBAM on EU trade partners: consequences for developing countries


13:00 – 14:30: Lunch


14:30- 16:00: Climate justice

Daniel Herrera (Paris Dauphine-PSL University), Chairman

Anna Creti (Paris Dauphine – PSL University, CEC) and Maria Eugenia Sanin (Paris Saclay University, CEC), North versus South: the transition dilemma

Edouard Pignède (AgroParisTech, CEC), Who carries the burden of climate change? Impact of droughts in Sub-Saharan Africa

Marc Fleurbaey (PSE), Inequalities and Carbon Pricing


Vendredi 14 octobre 2022


10:00 – 12:00: Climate economics, decision making and policies

Summary of the scientific sessions, by the Charmen and Chairwomen

Round table: how do climate economics influence stakeholders’ decisions?

Philippe Delacote (INRAE, CEC), Chairman


Anne Varet – Ademe 

Edouard Lanckriet – Bioline

Frédérique Rigal – Airbus

Laurent Joudon – EDF

Juliette Quef – Vert Le Média

Vipulan Puvaneswaran – Environmental Activist


12:00 – 13:30: Cocktail




  • Chaire Economie du Climat


La Place Fintech 2ème étage du Palais Brongniart, 28 place de la Bourse, Paris, 75002 France