A few months ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, the question of the trillions of dollars that will be required to limit Global Warming to 2 degrees is more pressing now than ever.


A growing number of private financial operators throughout the world are getting involved in order to redirect capital towards a low-carbon and resilient growth. The United Nations Climate Summit that was held in New York on September 23, 2014 demonstrated the extent of their commitments.




To address the specific challenges and issues  related to the “positive agenda”, financial  operators will gather on May 22nd at UNESCO headquarters to showcase solutions, review  current debates, highlight successful policies and make commitments toward the goal of supporting the necessary transitions in the economy through the implementation of  responsible investment approaches.

This concerns not only climate finance in the developed countries, but also finance for a green and low carbon development.

How to reduce financing for a high carbon economy, and conversely, how to encourage green investment? Financial solutions exist.

 New concepts and scalable solutions are available now that will enable a more accurate assessment  of the risks and opportunities inherent to the  decisions to be made, and provide financial  instruments to support those decisions.

Pioneering investors are altering the composition of their portfolios. Banks, insurers and the  broader financial industry are designing new tools. National governments have introduced  innovative political and regulatory frameworks.

The Climate Finance Day will bring together  major players in these areas to foster  communication, collaboration and the adoption of forward-looking strategies for a fast- changing world.



The program of the event is designed with the help of PRI, UNEP-FI, IIGCC and UNEP Inquiry.


  • Paris Europlace


Unesco 7, place de Fontenoy, Paris, 75352 France