QuantValley/QMI Annual Research Conference
Paris, November 25th, 2014
The QuantValley/QMI annual Conference on Quantitative Asset Management will take place at the Université Paris – Dauphine, in Paris on November 25, 2014.
Intended for quantitative management experts – academics, professionals and journalists – the event will feature academic presentations by internationally renowned researchers.
It aims at presenting the work funded by QMI, undertaken by its researchers or other academic specialists and also to open up all this research to a wider audience composed by researchers, students but also professionals.
A panel session will involve key industry representatives to debate on “Could aversion to risk impede long term investing?”
The conference program and the online registration tool are available on the QMI website.
Registration to the conference is free but mandatory due to sorganisation purposes and security at the entrance. Click here to register
- QuantValley
Université Paris Dauphine Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, Paris, 75775