Agri-food systems irrigated by innovation.

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Journal Article
Summary Faced with the various economic, social and health crises that have occurred since the end of the twentieth century, the agricultural, processing and distribution sectors have to meet numerous social, environmental and economic challenges. The entire value chain of food systems is concerned: consumers-citizens, companies, farmers, associations and decision makers (Galliano, Raynaud, 2015). New behaviors, new actions and innovations are emerging to meet these challenges of sustainability of food systems. This evolution is part of a context where, on the one hand, consumers are increasingly demanding in terms of quality, safety, traceability, sustainability of products (Murdoch et al., 2000 . Trobe 2001 . Dubuisson-Quellier 2009), but also in terms of price (Aschemann-Witzel, Zielke, 2017). On the other hand, farms and agribusinesses are actively seeking to improve competitiveness and profitability (Capitanio et al., 2009) by, among other things, having the least possible negative impact on the environment. Faced with these often conflicting demands, farmers and processing and distribution chains are forced to innovate and reorganize their operations (Bock, 2012). The central question of this booklet and the contributions collected in it is precisely how sustainability-oriented innovations encourage all actors in food systems to rethink their organizational modes and develop cross-sectoral collaborations and experiments.
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