Territorial Resilience in question: analytical foundations and forms of deployment in the face of globalization.

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Proceedings Article
Summary The notion of territorial resilience is relatively recent. Its contours and analytical foundations are still largely under construction. However, as shown in the book "Mondialisation et résilience des territoires - Trajectoires, dynamiques d'acteurs et expériences", coordinated by A. Hamdouch, M.-H. Depret and C. Tanguy (Coll. Géographie contemporaine, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2012), it already provides a useful insight into how territories (countries, regions, cities) seek to adapt (with varying degrees of success) to the effects of globalization. After putting into perspective the emergence of the issue of territorial resilience in the literature, the authors propose an approach that highlights two major forms of territorial resilience, which they describe as "static" and "dynamic" respectively. The authors thus emphasize the differentiated capacity of territories to engage in trajectories of more or less early and effective adaptation to the new technological, competitive and "normative" context brought about by globalization. The multifaceted nature of the deployment of resilience within territories is then illustrated by a series of highly varied cases of resilience trajectories analyzed in detail in the book.
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