Quinoa and the exchange of genetic resources: improving the regulation system.

  • BAZILE Ddier
  • DESSAUW Dominique
  • LOUAFI Selim
  • HOCDE Henri
Publication date
Publication type
Book Chapter
Summary As proposed by FAO, the General Assembly of the United Nations declared 2013 as the International Year of Quinoa (IYQ), highlighting the potential role of quinoa's biodiversity in contributing to global food security, given its high nutritional value and tremendous potential to adapt to different agro-climatic conditions. The declaration recognizes the role of the Andean communities in creating this biodiversity and conserving numerous local varieties of quinoa. Four main targets can be identified: recognition of the Andean identity of quinoa's genetic resources and the associated traditional knowledge . conservation of the components of biological diversity and ecosystems . sustainable and effective use of genetic resources in order to encourage innovation . fair and equitable sharing of the benefits derived from the use of these resources and associated traditional knowledge.
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