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Proceedings Article

Parallel to the challenge of climate change, the post-COP21 context is characterized, with respect to biodiversity, by the sixth mass extinction of species. What are the nature and scale of the social mutations needed to halt this extinction? If we consider that these changes require the mobilization of all stakeholders concerned, what are the conditions necessary for their success? The foundation of good living is responsibility, inseparably towards nature and humanity. Nature (the environment) cannot be reduced to a service provider that keeps it in subordinate and exploitative relationships that must be changed. Energy is a local issue for decentralized production and consumption, a national issue with regard to the national commitments made at COP 21, a European issue (policies based on Article 194 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) and a global issue with regard to the challenges and the various global programs. Innovation is essential at the technological and social level, but also in terms of goals, leadership and management of organizations and businesses, because the challenges we face require rapid and massively effective actions.

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