Ethno-racial inequalities.

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Summary Even if the political discourse struggles to accept it, France, like most Western societies, is confronted with the issue of ethno-racial inequalities and discrimination. How do ethnic and racial affiliations contribute to the dynamics of social inequalities? Are there mechanisms specific to these forms of inequality? What are the concepts and tools used by research to study them and what are the main lessons learned? This book summarizes the social science literature on these questions. It first presents the conceptual framework of the analysis of these inequalities (definition of ethno-racial inequalities, interaction with other social inequalities) and the methodological challenges it faces (data collection and measurement methods). It then focuses on the main findings of empirical research studying these inequalities in various spheres of social life (the labor market, the city, the school and the civic sphere). The focus is on measuring their magnitude as well as on the precise mechanisms by which they are produced and reproduced. (Editor's summary).
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