What economic tools should be used to analyze bioeconomic innovations in the forestry and wood industries at the territorial level?

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Journal Article
Summary This article analyzes the concept of bioeconomy and describes the nature of the economic tools used to explore it. It is an extension of a study initiated by the Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière. It follows from this work that the bioeconomy can be interpreted through two main axes: a first "disciplinary" vision (bioeconomics) and a second, more "technical-industrial" vision (bioeconomy). The disciplinary vision of bioeconomics can itself be opened up to two approaches: the Georgescu-Roegen current, which aims to profoundly modify the conception of economics (economic analysis as an open cycle integrated into a closed biological cycle) and the current aiming to integrate the disciplines of economics and biology, which is not necessarily incompatible with the principles of neoclassical economic analysis. The more "technical-industrial" and political vision, on the other hand, is mainly interested in the creation of wealth (or even growth) from the renewable resource biomass.
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