Incentivizing behavior change in regular mobility practices: a multi-stakeholder, multi-criteria analysis.

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Proceedings Article
Summary In this article, we seek to identify the brakes and levers on the behavior of car owners in order to encourage them to use more virtuous modes of travel on a regular basis: public transport, soft modes, and all the emerging mobility solutions: carpooling, carsharing, on-demand transport, etc. Because of their cost and their often irreversible effects, mobility policies must be evaluated in order to help decision-making. We use a multi-actor, multi-criteria analysis method to consider a maximum of impacts of mobility projects and to ensure that the issues of the various stakeholders are explicitly taken into account: users, historical actors, new entrants, public actors. We deploy an original two-phase evaluation method of existing or emerging mobility solutions. In the end, a combinatorial mobility solution will be developed that will bring innovation and will be based on the strengths of pre-identified unique solutions.
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