Potential demand for multimodal information. Evidence from the Plateau-de-Saclay.

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Proceedings Article
Summary By enabling the use of multimodal information by travelers, public policy can improve the use of soft travel modes and reduce the negative externalities of car use. However, such an eco-innovative multimodal information platform might only be efficient if travelers are willing to use it and pay for its development and update. To evaluate the relevance of the creation of a multimodal platform in the Plateau de Saclay – an area located 20 km south of Paris, very concerned by congestion – this paper measures workers' willingness to pay (WTP) for such a platform from a survey conducted in this area. A mixed logit is estimated to determine marginal WTP for the services that could potentially be provided by the platform. The willingness to pay for the multimodal platform is found to depend on the provision of real-time information and on gender-specific motives.
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