Europe: between globalization and populism.

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Journal Article
Summary Europe: between globalization and populism, Pierre-Noël Giraud is an economist. He teaches at Mines de Paris. In 2018, he published an essay entitled "L'homme inutile. A political economy of populism," published by Odile Jacob. The peace and prosperity that should "spontaneously" result from free movement in Europe and its borders have not happened. We are witnessing a rise in populism and, on a global scale, American and Chinese capitalism are engaged in merciless competition. The European Union must adapt to the new world order or disappear. Europe promised peace, the mobility of people and the removal of the poorest. The European project was to constitute a territory with common borders, within which the mobility of goods, capital, information and people would not be hindered in any way. A territory subject to an authority receiving strong delegations of sovereignty from the former states, in order to be able to organize the territory and control the flows at its borders. Internal mobilities, accompanied by very limited trans-ferts between member states, were to stimulate economic growth and above all draw the poor countries towards the rich.
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