The collaborative spirit at the service of an economic model: the case of the companies of wage portage.

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Journal Article
Summary Based on a doctoral research on the mechanism of freelance administration, this article intends to show how for-profit companies, the freelance administration companies, reappropriate discourses and practices assimilated to the field of the collaborative economy and put them at the service of their economic model. They are formally close to the cooperatives of activity and employment, since they both participate in the legal elaboration of the notion of contractor-employees. The aim is to see how these companies, by taking advantage of the vagueness surrounding the notions of cooperation and collaboration, draw on a repertoire of justifications that emphasize the social utility of their activity, while at the same time organizing the blurring of three types of boundaries: the one between salaried work and self-employment . the one between social and profit-making objectives . the one between paid work and free work.
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