Climate and biodiversity. Reconciling renewable energy and biodiversity.

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Summary Encouraged by the fight against climate change, the development of sustainable energies raises major issues for the protection of biodiversity. The note presented by ORÉE is based on the principle that the protection of biodiversity and the energy transition are two key and interconnected notions. Based on the views of experts, feedback from economic actors in the energy transition and detailed explanatory diagrams, the note: - sets out the context and socio-territorial issues of the energy transition - defines sustainable energies as including renewable energies under conditions of sustainability and recovered energies (RE&R). - studies the links between RE&R and biodiversity through examples such as biomass-wood energy, hydroelectricity, onshore wind energy, photovoltaic energy, marine energy and recovered energy. - discusses possible solutions for a change in energy production methods that are compatible with the protection of biodiversity and the resilience of ecosystems.
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