When life revolves around the home: Work and sociability during the lockdown.

  • SAFI Mirna
  • COULANGEON Philippe
  • GODECHOT Olivier
  • FERRAGINA Emanuele
  • HELMEID Emily
  • PAULY Stefan
  • RECCHI Ettore
  • SAUGER Nicolas
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Summary How disruptive is Covid-19 to everyday life? How is the French population experiencing the lockdown? Is it magnifying inequalities and affecting social cohesion? The CoCo project sheds lights on these pressing questions by comparing living conditions in France before, during, and after the lockdown. This is the third of a series of research briefs. We explore how French society has coped with the first 6 weeks of the lockdown, particularly as regards the transformation of working conditions and social life. We also continue to monitor self-reported health and well-being.
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