Transnational links and integration: between here and there.

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Book Chapter
Summary France has been a country of immigration for more than a century and is a multicultural society where the diversity of origins has reached an unprecedented level. But the situation of populations linked to immigration, which are the subject of preconceived ideas and stereotyped representations, remains poorly known. In order to meet this need for statistical knowledge, INED and INSEE have joined forces to conduct a large-scale survey on the diversity of populations in France and the study of discrimination. The Trajectories and Origins (TeO) survey of 22,000 people marks a new stage in quantitative research on immigrants and their descendants. Is origin in itself a factor of inequality or simply of differentiation in access to the various resources of social life? TeO offers avenues for reflection by giving a great deal of space to the reconstruction of solar, professional, and marital trajectories or by exploring access to housing and health. One of the major contributions of this book, which is the result of the TeO survey, is to combine an objective and subjective approach to discrimination by studying, for the first time, the experience of racism and by opening up methodological perspectives on the study of prejudices experienced on the basis of origin, religion or skin color.
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