Working conditions in "seniors" agreements and action plans.

  • CARON Laurent
  • CASER Fabienne
  • DELGOULET Catherine
  • EFFANTIN Elise
  • JOLIVET Annie
  • THERY Laurence
  • VOLKOFF Serge
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Summary This report presents the approach and results of a qualitative study on the "working conditions" components of French companies' agreements or action plans concerning the employment of older workers. or, conversely, the components that concern older workers in agreements or action plans on working conditions. The study was conducted in 2011, on behalf of the Conseil d'orientation des conditions de travail (Coct), which commissioned it. It was presented, at an intermediate stage and towards its end, on the one hand to a "steering group" (composed of members of the general secretariat of the Coct standing committee, representatives of the administrations and organizations involved, and two scientific personalities), and on the other hand to the Coct's "seniors" think tank, where the social partners are represented. The authors are : Laurent Caron and Laurence Théry (Aract Picardie), Fabienne Caser (Anact), Catherine Delgoulet (Université Paris Descartes), Annie Jolivet (Ires, Créapt) and Serge Volkoff (Centre d'études de l'emploi, Créapt) who coordinated the study. This team is multidisciplinary (ergonomics, economics, management, law). The study was organized in such a way as to promote these links between disciplines. The companies in which the study was conducted are of various sizes and sectors. They are referred to here under assumed names. The authors would like to thank the managers of these companies and the various actors we met. Even though we have tried to give a careful account of the elements we have collected, inaccuracies are always possible, and we naturally take responsibility for them. Similarly, we take responsibility for the choices we have made in selecting the aspects that seemed most relevant to us and putting them into perspective. The analyses presented are therefore not binding on the companies concerned or on Coct itself.
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