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Topics of productions
  • 2017 - 2019
    Institut de recherches économiques et sociales
  • 2017 - 2018
    Centre de recherche sur le travail et le développement
  • 2013 - 2018
    Centre d'études de l'emploi
  • 1998 - 1999
    Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 1999
  • A singular management of the health crisis, a decentralized health system under great tension.

    Annie JOLIVET
    Chronique internationale de l'IRES | 2020
    Sweden implemented a combination of limited bans and recommendations. The willingness to anticipate and manage the Covid-19 crisis over a long period of time was supported by a clear and known division of labor between government agencies, government and local actors. With capacity adjusted to a minimal level, hospitals had to reorganize, increase working hours and use additional staff. Centralized coordination was needed for the provision of protective and care materials and for the management of intensive care places.
  • The effects of pension reform for women in Sweden.

    Dominique ANXO, Annie JOLIVET
    Travail, genre et sociétés | 2020
    No summary available.
  • Repeated changes in work: under what conditions can training be a resource for older employees?

    Dominique CAU BAREILLE, Annie JOLIVET, Catherine DELGOULET, Leila BOUDRA, Christine VIDAL GOMEL
    Colloque de la REF (rencontres du réseau international de recherche en Education et en formation) | 2019
    No summary available.
  • Training, a challenge to maintain employment of seniors in a call center.

    Dominique CAU BAREILLE, Catherine DELGOULET, Christine VIDAL GOMEL, Carole TUCHSZIRER, Annie JOLIVET, Jeanne THEBAULT, Oumeddour LEILA
    9e conférence Early SIG 14 : « Interaction, learning and professional development » | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Training: a challenge for maintaining the employment of senior workers in a call center.

    Dominique CAU BAREILLE, Catherine DELGOULET, Christine VIDAL GOMEL, Annie JOLIVET, Carole TUCHSZIRER, Oumeddour LEILA, Jeanne THEBAULT
    9th International Conference of the EARLI SIG 14 Learning and professional development | 2018
    No summary available.
  • A s�curit� net under pressure.

    Annie JOLIVET
    Chronique Internationale de l'IRES | 2018
    Since 1982, Sweden has had a social assistance system that acts as a safety net. It has been revised several times, but has not been substantially modified. However, the corresponding expenditure has risen sharply and the duration of assistance has increased since the early 1990s. With the decline in the social protection system, changes in employment, difficulties on the labour market for part of the population and large flows of new arrivals, the system is under pressure.
  • Working conditions and job retention of older workers: the challenge of "decompartmentalizing" approaches and practices.

    Catherine DELGOULET, Serge VOLKOFF, Laurent CARON, Fabienne CASER, Annie JOLIVET, Laurence THERY
    Relations industrielles | 2015
    France, like many Western countries, has been confronted for the past thirty years with an aging population in general, and an aging working population in particular. With a view to balancing pension systems, European Union directives, which have been implemented in each country in the form of national agreements or plans, have repeatedly aimed to raise the retirement age and promote the employment of older workers. This article presents the results of an empirical study carried out in France, at the request of the Conseil d'Orientation des Conditions de Travail (COCT), among thirteen companies of various sizes and in various sectors of activity which have included dimensions relating to working conditions in their "seniors" plan or agreement. The monographs thus produced are intended to shed light on public policies from the perspective of a comprehensive approach that favors an integrated approach to the issue of maintaining older workers in employment. They make it possible to point out the very limits of the categorizations that might be attempted ("seniors", "working conditions", etc.) and the associated risks of compartmentalization. They also make it possible to determine the vitality of decompartmentalized approaches, their impact, and the lessons that can be drawn for public policies.
  • Working conditions in "seniors" agreements and action plans.

    Laurent CARON, Fabienne CASER, Catherine DELGOULET, Elise EFFANTIN, Annie JOLIVET, Laurence THERY, Serge VOLKOFF
    This report presents the approach and results of a qualitative study on the "working conditions" components of French companies' agreements or action plans concerning the employment of older workers. or, conversely, the components that concern older workers in agreements or action plans on working conditions. The study was conducted in 2011, on behalf of the Conseil d'orientation des conditions de travail (Coct), which commissioned it. It was presented, at an intermediate stage and towards its end, on the one hand to a "steering group" (composed of members of the general secretariat of the Coct standing committee, representatives of the administrations and organizations involved, and two scientific personalities), and on the other hand to the Coct's "seniors" think tank, where the social partners are represented. The authors are : Laurent Caron and Laurence Théry (Aract Picardie), Fabienne Caser (Anact), Catherine Delgoulet (Université Paris Descartes), Annie Jolivet (Ires, Créapt) and Serge Volkoff (Centre d'études de l'emploi, Créapt) who coordinated the study. This team is multidisciplinary (ergonomics, economics, management, law). The study was organized in such a way as to promote these links between disciplines. The companies in which the study was conducted are of various sizes and sectors. They are referred to here under assumed names. The authors would like to thank the managers of these companies and the various actors we met. Even though we have tried to give a careful account of the elements we have collected, inaccuracies are always possible, and we naturally take responsibility for them. Similarly, we take responsibility for the choices we have made in selecting the aspects that seemed most relevant to us and putting them into perspective. The analyses presented are therefore not binding on the companies concerned or on Coct itself.
  • Enterprise and management of the aging workforce: organization, discrimination.

    Annie JOLIVET, Bernard GAZIER
    The unfavorable situation of aging employees on the labor market leads us to question the economic mechanisms that generate this inequality. The objective of this thesis is to contribute to their explanation through a microeconomic analysis of the behavior of firms with respect to these employees, focusing on the practices that contribute to differentiate individuals within the firm: recruitment, training, promotion and termination of the employment relationship. Discrimination theories are taken as a starting point. Different models explaining the role of the firm in the evolution of workers' productive characteristics are then mobilized (human capital, tournaments, deferred payment contracts, internal market). Finally, the implications of the training and promotion practices highlighted on the practices of breaking the employment relationship and recruitment are analyzed (models of Parsons, Oi and Stankiewicz, deferred payment contracts, internal markets). In order to understand the diversity but also the coherence of firms' behaviour, it is necessary to take these practices into account simultaneously, hence the construction of configurations of practices based on the models already used, supplemented by the analysis of Aoki. These configurations are then compared with the configurations observed in France using two types of data: - monographic data on six establishments, collected in 1993 and 1994, - data resulting from the matching of a postal survey carried out in 1991 on the management of ageing wards with the EMMO-DMMO surveys. These data, which can be used for 1,112 establishments, are subjected to a principal component analysis, a hierarchical ascending classification and logistic modelling. Nine categories of establishments are analyzed, highlighting a very large differentiation in company behavior.
Affiliations are detected from the signatures of publications identified in scanR. An author can therefore appear to be affiliated with several structures or supervisors according to these signatures. The dates displayed correspond only to the dates of the publications found. For more information, see