In the eye of the storm. French society after a month of confinement.

  • FERRAGINA Emanuele
  • BARONE Carlo
  • HELMEID Emily
  • PAULY Stefan
  • RECCHI Ettore
  • SAFI Mirna
  • SAUGER Nicolas
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Summary To what extent does the Covid-19 disrupt our daily lives? How is the French population experiencing the confinement? To what extent are social inequalities exacerbated and social cohesion threatened? The CoCo project provides some answers to these topical questions by comparing living conditions in France before and after the blockade. This is the second preliminary report in the series that we will publish in the coming weeks. Here we analyze how French society has coped with this first month of lockdown, including concerns about the state of the economy, self-reported health and well-being, and finally home schooling. How does concern for protecting public health fit with concern for mitigating the economic damage of prolonged confinement? French society is now more concerned about the economic consequences than about the health consequences, if we compare the responses collected two weeks apart. This is particularly the case for people with high incomes. When they anticipate the partial reopening of the country announced by the government on May 11, 2020, our respondents show a strong uncertainty. Opinions on decontamination differ depending on which aspect of the crisis is being considered. If the virus continues to spread in the country, only 35% of the population would like to see an end to containment on May 11. However, when a catastrophic scenario for the economy is taken into account, the percentage of people approving of the decontainment date reaches 65%. High-income earners also support the implementation of a mobile app to try to contain the spread of the epidemic. How do people rate their health and stress levels? Respondents are not demoralized by containment. Their reports of their health and general well-being are scoring higher than in previous years. We describe this phenomenon as the "eye of the storm" paradox: faced with a serious event, it seems easier to consider oneself "healthy. However, the confinement causes psychological distress among those who work at home and get out the least. What are the modalities and challenges of homeschooling? Two-thirds of parents at all educational levels supervise their children's work on a daily basis. This additional workload causes some parents increased stress, but also contributes to a new and better understanding of their children's educational needs.
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