Modeling of the French forestry and wood industryAssessment of the impacts of climate policies.

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Summary This thesis evaluates the consequences of different climate policies on the French forestry and wood industry. We start from the observation that in France, the policies currently in place are, for the most part, in the form of targeted measures based on energy substitution through an increase in wood-energy consumption. We study the effects of these policies on the economy of the sector and on the evolution of the resource and we analyze the consequences of two alternative fictitious measures: a policy of sequestration in the forest and a cross-sectoral carbon tax. To do so, we develop a bio-economic model of the French forestry sector: French Forest Sector Model (FFSM) is based on a module representing the economy of the wood sector in partial equilibrium and a module representing the evolution of the French forestry resource. FFSM represents the consumption of 6 processed wood products, the production of 3 primary wood products and the exchanges of these products between the 22 French regions and between France and abroad. FFSM makes it possible to evaluate the economic efficiency of policies by estimating their cost and measuring their impact on the economic variables of the sector. The environmental efficiency of the measures studied is analyzed by calculating the emission balances and determining their consequences on the evolution of the forest resource.
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