Power: concepts, places, dynamics.

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Summary The back cover states: "Power has long been conceived of as an asset held by certain individuals or social groups. Expressions such as "conquer" and "take power" reflect this idea. Who really holds the power: the rulers? Global finance? This or that social group? In what form(s) is it exercised? These are all aspects that the human and social sciences have been exploring for several decades. Today, power is analyzed rather in terms of relations - of domination, of influence, of authority. - These relationships are all the more complex because they are part of a globalized and diffuse context. This book provides the keys to understanding the different forms of power, from relationships between individuals to international relations. After presenting the main concepts related to the notion of power (authority, legitimacy, power, governance, separation of powers, authoritarian and totalitarian power.) and then the major authors (from Hobbes to Hegel, from Hannah Arendt to Michel Foucault.), the book examines the dynamics at work, through the various places of power (State, family, interest groups, international organizations, media.). Finally, it reports on the new debates on this subject: are we witnessing a decline in institutions? How is power being recomposed in contemporary democracies? What forms of global governance are emerging?
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