Innovation management and globalization: contemporary issues and practices.

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Summary The contemporary combination of the imperatives of innovation and globalization is creating new problems for firms: how to identify and develop innovation when the sources of innovation are varied and dispersed? How can these innovations be deployed on the different markets? What roles do central services and subsidiaries play in this deployment? This book explores these questions by analyzing the current strategies and practices of French multinationals in various sectors: Air Liquide, Essilor, Orange, Sanofi, Renault, Ubisoft, Valeo, etc. It characterizes the problems they face in the development of innovation. It characterizes the problems they face and analyzes the concrete responses they provide. By putting these practices into perspective with the teachings of international management and innovation research, this book provides keys to understanding and acting on them for all those who experience these situations or are preparing for them in their business school or engineering curriculum. [Source: from the back cover].
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