The Sunday battles: the extension of Sunday work and its social consequences.

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Summary The back cover states: "Sunday has long been dedicated to attending religious services. The industrial 19th century made it a working day like any other, and it is finally the struggles for the improvement of the working conditions which pushed all the industrialized countries to take up again the tradition of the Sunday off. If today Sunday remains "a day like no other", it is clear that for the last three decades a process of deregulation of Sunday rest has been underway in France and in Europe. This book deciphers the stakes of these "Sunday battles". It aims above all at analyzing the impact of the increasing trivialization of Sunday work on the living conditions of people who work on that day, as well as on their use of time. The negative effects on their social and family life lead the authors to apprehend the question of Sunday work through the prism of its social usefulness, particularly in the light of the population's expectations.
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