Globalization or globalization? The lessons of Simone Weil.

  • DIAGNE Souleymane bachir
  • CHENAVIER Robert
  • CLOT Yves
  • KADO Kazumasa
  • LABRUSSE RIOU Catherine
  • MONTAUT Annie
  • OST Francois
  • PIZZOLATO Filippo
  • RENOUARD Cecile
  • SUPIOT Alain
  • VACARIE Isabelle
  • SUPIOT Alain
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Summary The problem of our time is not to choose between globalization and identitarian withdrawal: we cannot ignore either the diversity of countries or their growing interdependence in the face of the ecological and social perils that affect them all. The French language makes it possible to overcome this false dilemma with the distinction it allows between globalization and mondialisation. To globalize is to work towards the reign of the market, unlimited growth, the flexibilization of work and cultural hegemony. To globalize is to establish a world order that respects our ecumene, human work and the diversity of peoples and cultures. This book explores this perspective in the light of Simone Weil's visionary work. It revisits her reflections on rootedness, freedom and oppression, to think in turn about our "vital environment" (whose destruction is accelerating today), the concert of civilizations, the conditions of non-servile work, and the good and bad uses of law.
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