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  • 2012 - 2019
    Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales de Cergy
  • 2016 - 2017
    Centre de recherche essec business school
  • 2005 - 2006
    Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013
  • 2006
  • Se soigner", in OIKOS, inhabiting a common world, chapter 2. Towards an uninhabitable planet and an unlivable world?

    Cyrille HARPET, Cecile RENOUARD, Remi BEAU, Christophe GOUPIL, Christian KOENIG
    Manuel de la grande transition | 2020
    No summary available.
  • Introduction to the "Enterprise and the Common" file.

    Cecile RENOUARD, Swann BOMMIER
    Entreprise & société | 2020
    No summary available.
  • Corporate reform: starting from the firm or from the field?

    Cecile RENOUARD
    Annales des Mines - Réalités industrielles | 2019
    No summary available.
  • The Earth, Our Common Home: Challenges and Hope.

    Peter TURKSON, Pierre LENA, Dominique VERMERSCH, Cecile RENOUARD, Francesco FOLLO
    No summary available.
  • From the person as a gift to the justice of the commons.

    Cecile RENOUARD
    Revue d'histoire de la pensée économique | 2019
    We mobilize the notion of gift in the framework of a reflection on the justice of the commons, in the double sense: what is transmitted freely, in a non-demandable way, and what obliges us and binds us together. This perspective appears central in the search for a social and political organization that favors the inclusion of the most fragile, and the conditions for living together today and tomorrow. Nussbaum's thought allows us to deepen the tensions inherent in the Maussian perspective.
  • Rooting and detachment: for an "ecounomy".

    Cecile RENOUARD
    Mondialisation ou globalisation ? Les leçons de Simone Weil | 2019
    No summary available.
  • Globalization or globalization? The lessons of Simone Weil.

    Souleymane bachir DIAGNE, Robert CHENAVIER, Emilios CHRISTODOULIDIS, Yves CLOT, Kazumasa KADO, Catherine LABRUSSE RIOU, Annie MONTAUT, Francois OST, Filippo PIZZOLATO, Cecile RENOUARD, Alain SUPIOT, Isabelle VACARIE, Alain SUPIOT
    The problem of our time is not to choose between globalization and identitarian withdrawal: we cannot ignore either the diversity of countries or their growing interdependence in the face of the ecological and social perils that affect them all. The French language makes it possible to overcome this false dilemma with the distinction it allows between globalization and mondialisation. To globalize is to work towards the reign of the market, unlimited growth, the flexibilization of work and cultural hegemony. To globalize is to establish a world order that respects our ecumene, human work and the diversity of peoples and cultures. This book explores this perspective in the light of Simone Weil's visionary work. It revisits her reflections on rootedness, freedom and oppression, to think in turn about our "vital environment" (whose destruction is accelerating today), the concert of civilizations, the conditions of non-servile work, and the good and bad uses of law.
  • Corporate social responsibility towards human development: A capabilities framework.

    Cecile RENOUARD, Cecile EZVAN
    Business Ethics: A European Review | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Define fair value.

    Cecile RENOUARD, Pierre jean COTTALORDA, Cecile EZVAN, Antoine RIEU
    Projet | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Crisis and relief in the Niger Delta (2012–13): assessment of the effects of a flood on relational capabilities.

    Oxford Development Studies | 2017
    No summary available.
  • Beyond utilitarianism.

    Cecile RENOUARD
    Projet | 2017
    No summary available.
  • Ethics of borders and justice of the commons.

    Cecile RENOUARD
    Revue d'éthique et de théologie morale | 2017
    No summary available.
  • The company in the challenge of integral ecology.

    Cecile RENOUARD
    Revue d'éthique et de théologie morale | 2017
    No summary available.
  • The impact of local CSR projects on sustainable human development: Applications to projects conducted by multinationals in Nigeria and Mexico.

    The recent legal framework on corporate social responsibility (CSR) is leading multinationals to take an increasing interest in measuring the social impact of their practices. Based on two case studies, this thesis examines the impact of CSR projects on the human development, particularly relational, of the populations concerned. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the construction of a theoretical framework. By revealing the underlying hypotheses of development indicators, CSR visions and impact assessment perspectives, convergences and incompatibilities between different postures characteristic of these three objects are brought to the fore. This leads me to favor an analysis methodology based on non-experimental quantitative methods and qualitative analyses, which mobilize a multidimensional approach to development based on the capabilities approach. The second part of the thesis presents empirical applications based on impact evaluations of societal programs conducted by Total in Nigeria and an inclusive recycling project conducted by Danone in Mexico. The empirical results show that beyond their impact on poverty, these projects have important effects on the social fabric. This demonstrates the value of evaluative frameworks that use unconventional indicators and that shed light on the figures by providing a qualitative understanding of the processes of change and power relations.
  • Corporate responsibility toward social transformation. The case of a waste picker empowerment project in Mexico.

    Helene L'HUILLIER, Cecile RENOUARD
    Mondes en développement | 2017
    No summary available.
  • Christian faith and collective action. Echo and extension to the interventions of D. Müller and M. Lintner.

    Cecile RENOUARD
    Revue d'éthique et de théologie morale | 2016
    No summary available.
  • Everyone's business. Liberalism and theories of social and ecological justice.

    Cecile RENOUARD
    Revue française des affaires sociales | 2015
    No summary available.
  • Environment and social inequalities.

    No summary available.
  • Climate negotiations: "We will all win or we will all lose

    Nicolas HULOT, Cecile RENOUARD, Aurelien COLSON
    Négociations | 2015
    No summary available.
  • Development as a process of eliminating rents and predation: the conceptual framework of Douglass North, John Wallis, and Barry Weingast tested in Nigeria.

    Herve LADO, Gael GIRAUD, Jean claude BERTHELEMY, Gael GIRAUD, Claude MENARD, Kathryn NWAJIAKU DAHOU, Mehrdad VAHABI, Cecile RENOUARD
    If development is conceived as a process of rent elimination, does the Douglass North, John Wallis, Barry Weingast (NWW) conceptual framework developed in 2009, which defines it as a process of institutional transition from a limited access social order (developing countries) where violence is permanent and disseminated, to an open access social order (developed countries) where economic and political access is open to all through free competition, really eliminate rents? Through an internal theoretical critique and an empirical critique illustrated by the history of Nigeria and in particular the activity of the multinational oil companies, we argue that NWW's conceptual framework is flawed i) in its conception of the role of elites and non-elites in the process of opening up access within the limited-access social order ii) and in its epistemological construction of the open-access social order model based on free political and economic competition. NWW's open access order maintains rents, and legitimizes predation, which we define as the exploitation of rents of domination. Predators thus impose social costs on their victims that sustainable development (SD) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) approaches struggle to eliminate. SD and CSR will only succeed in eliminating predation by developing institutions and frames of reference that force actors to take into account the asymmetry of power and the risk of domination in negotiations between stakeholders, with a view to respecting human dignity in transactions.
  • Relational Capability as a Measure of Development.

    This paper documents the paradoxical short-term effects of training and job programmes implemented by oil companies in the region of Onelga, Rivers State (Nigeria). We use two multidimensional indexes as dependent variables: the UNDP's Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) and a ‘Relational Deprivation Index’ (RDI) that measures the quality of social fabric. We find that while the programmes significantly reduce conventional poverty, their impact on RDI is twofold: the beneficiaries' integration into networks improves at the expense of deteriorated private relations. These different effects promote measuring poverty and development as multidimensional phenomena and taking into consideration social aspects of development.
  • The ethical and political responsibility of multinationals.

    Cecile RENOUARD
    Revue des sciences religieuses | 2014
    No summary available.
  • On Equity in India's Water Supply Public-Private Partnerships.

    Swann BOMMIER, Cecile RENOUARD
    This article studies the implementation of a public-private partnership (PPP) in the water supply sector in Nagpur (Maharashtra, India). Drawing upon the capability approach and the concept of disadvantage, we define equity as the need to focus on the worse-off. Based on extensive field-research, we explain how the access to water is currently characterized by patronage relations and institutional discriminatory practices that perpetuate categorical inequalities. Addressing equity concerns in a PPP therefore requires questioning the existing power relations to clearly prioritize the worse-off. Our research argues that international law might be used to promote equitable processes in urban infrastructure, beyond today's focus on technical accounts and efficiency debates.
  • How far should we entrust development to companies?

    Projet | 2014
    No summary available.
  • Access to drinking water in rural Cameroon: in search of an ethical and theological approach to development.

    Henri fidele MOTO, Marie jo THIEL, Rene HEYER, Alberto BONDOLFI, Cecile RENOUARD
    Ethical development choices and practices are the main factors in the effective implementation of the right to drinking water in rural Cameroon. After setting out some benchmarks for the humanization of development in this sub-Saharan African country, this thesis highlights the challenges of access to drinking water through a socio-ethical analysis of the experiences of three water projects in the departments of Sanaga Maritime and Mbam Inoubou. It demonstrates that the rehabilitation of the dignity and capacities of local actors is the lever on which to act in order to institute a society of commonality and communion favorable to ethical development. Contrary to the "non-common" society that emerges from the analysis of field experiences, the common society would be able to respond to situations of precariousness without waiting for the assistance of guardians or trustees.
  • Relational Capability: A Multidimensional Approach.

    This paper explores some of the dimensions related to poverty and exclusion, by defining a Relational Capability Index (RCI) which focuses on the quality of relationships among people and on their level of relational empowerment. This index is rooted in a relational anthropology. it insists on the quality of the social fabric and of interpersonal relations as a key aspect of human development. As a multidimensional index, the RCI includes integration into networks, private relations and civic commitments. We provide an axiomatization of a family of multidimensional indexes. This axiomatic viewpoint fills the gap between theories of justice and poverty measurements. By means of illustration, we apply three different versions of the RCI, which are elements of this family, to the measurement of the impact of oil companies on local communities in the Niger Delta (Nigeria) and to national surveys (Afrobarometer).
  • Multinationals and the impasse of development through growth.

    Cecile RENOUARD, Herve LADO
    Éthique publique | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Social strategy.

    Cecile RENOUARD
    Dictionnaire critique de la RSE | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Industrial multinationals and sustainable development in the South: what are multinational companies responsible for?

    How can multinational companies participate in the sustainable development of the countries of the South, as the analysis of their principles of action demonstrates the ambiguity of their approach? The insertion of capitalism in a social and political project must combine utopia (inter and intra-generational equity) and strategy taking into account the conflicts of economic and political interests. This approach defines the responsibility of companies in the economic, social, societal and political fields, with a focus on the cultural dimension of development. States and other institutions must adopt incentive and binding standards. This objective, which concerns the future of the planet, requires the ethical training of elites in the North and the South. The reflection is based on a multidisciplinary approach inspired by the thinking of Michaël Walzer and on surveys in subsidiaries of the Total, Lafarge, Unilever and Michelin groups in Kenya and Nigeria.
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