Countries of Islam and the Latin world: 10th-13th century.

  • GUICHARD Pierre
  • MENJOT Denis
  • CARDON Dominique
  • BERIOU Nicole
  • BURESI Pascal
  • POISSON Jean michel
  • TURKI Abdel magid
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Summary The UMR 5648, History and Archaeology of the Medieval Christian and Muslim Worlds, is one of the rare research centers that brings together specialists working on the entire Mediterranean basin, interested in the Christian West, the Byzantine domain, and the Muslim world (Eastern and Western), as well as textual historians and archaeologists. The combination of these skills has made it possible to offer a very diverse selection of documents, in relation to the subject on the syllabus for the agrégation and CAPES in history for the academic years 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 (The relations of the Islamic countries with the Latin world: middle of the tenth and middle of the thirteenth century). Some of these texts are translated for the first time from Arabic, Latin, or the Romance languages derived from them in the Middle Ages. Beyond the circumstances that prompted the gathering of these documents, we will have a glimpse of the diversity and richness of research possibilities in these areas of confrontation and contact. 78 documents gathered and presented by the UMR 5648, History and Archaeology of Medieval Christian and Muslim Worlds.
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