Représentations sociolinguistiques et pratiques langagières liées au contact de langues tibétain/chinois dans les universités du shandong (chine).sociolinguistic representations and language practices related to tibetan/chinese languages in contact in shandong universities (china).

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Summary China, a multinational country with 56 nationalities, has a complex linguistic configuration with more than two hundred languages. The prestige and hegemony of contemporary standardized Chinese relegates the languages and cultures of the 55 ethnic minorities to the shadows, in contrast to a state policy proclaiming the "flourishing of the 56 nationalities in the great family of the Chinese Nation". In the current circumstances where China is participating in accelerated urbanization and globalization, this thesis aims to shed light on the language practices, glottopolitical interventions, language representations, and sociolinguistic identity of a group of young Tibetan students in their aspirations for academic and social success in mainland China, specifically in Shandong province, the homeland of Confucius and a place very much marked by the preponderance of emphasis on the pursuit of academic and university success.
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