Of culture in America: public policy, private philanthropy, and the public interest in the American cultural system.

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Summary In order to analyze the complexity of the American cultural system, this research starts from the role of the State (Part 1 "Politics of Culture") which follows the creation of federal cultural agencies, their decline and deciphers the "policies of culture" of American administrations until today. At the same time, the role of states and cities is analyzed through the decentralized mechanisms of cultural funding. At this point, it is possible to understand the reasons for the weakness of the public role. In a second part ("The society of culture"), the research is based on an analysis of philanthropy, foundations and the major role of universities in art. Based on hundreds of archival documents (434 of which are included in the appendices) and more than 700 interviews conducted in 35 states and 110 American cities, the American cultural "model" appears in its originality and complexity, neither dependent on the State nor truly influenced by the market.
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