The environmental sustainability of urban transport in the cities of the South: The "transport - land use" pair at the heart of urban dynamics.

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Summary The objective of this thesis is to explore whether, given demographic dynamics and limited financial capacity, technologies available to cities in the South are capable of significantly altering the trajectories of energy consumption and CO2 emissions from urban transport. Chapter 1 summarizes what we know today about the determinants of urban transport energy consumption and recent changes in these determinants. Chapter 2 discusses possible solutions in transport and land-use policies to place cities in the South on sustainable development trajectories. These conclusions lead us to examine the interactions between the transport system and the land use system in a particular city, Bogotá (Colombia). Chapter 3 analyzes the functioning of the "transport - land use" couple at the heart of urban dynamics over time, from the founding of Bogotá to the end of the 20th century. Chapter 4 examines the effects of a transport infrastructure, the TransMilenio Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), on land and real estate markets, urban structure, and the origin-destination matrix of travel. Chapter 5 evaluates the foresight tools capable of simulating different combinations of policy levers available to urban planners and selects an existing integrated model (TRANUS), to which a module for quantifying energy consumption and CO2 emissions (Signature Energétique des Transports Urbains, SETU) is added. Chapter 6 uses TRANUS-SETU to test the ability of transport and urban planning policies to change the trajectories of energy consumption associated with urban transport in the case of Bangalore (India).
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