Contribution to the understanding of the dynamics of individual commitment in the process of creating innovative companies: longitudinal study of Tunisian engineers.

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Summary Entrepreneurship is an emerging field of research structured around four paradigms. The one that is retained in our work is the individual-creation of new value dialogue. The first part of this work presents the key concepts of the thesis: entrepreneurship, innovative business creation and individual commitment. In this part, we adopt and adapt the modeling of the process of enterprise creation proposed by Bruyat (1993). From an interpretative and comprehensive perspective, the second part deals with the epistemological and methodological aspects that echo our central question concerning the dynamics of the individual commitment of an engineer in the process of creating an innovative company. Our contribution concerns the longitudinal follow-up of the dynamics of the commitment of a dozen Tunisian engineers who triggered their entrepreneurial process in a specific context that is the Tunisian context.
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