Experiential learning and metacognition in entrepreneurship education.

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Summary The use of active methods to teach entrepreneurship is currently strongly supported by international political institutions and educational establishments. Among the scientific contributions that promote action learning, the theory of experiential learning shows that the acquisition and transformation of experience occupy a central place in the construction of the knowledge sought. The use of this theory also raises the question of its influence on the cognitive functioning of the learner and the construction of his or her own learning strategies, the development of which is conditioned by mental activities that call upon cognitive education and metacognition. The work carried out in the thesis produces two major contributions. The first is characterized by the proposal of a conceptual model of experiential learning applied to the field of entrepreneurship that integrates and adapts the contributions of four essential theories for understanding entrepreneurial action. The second contribution is illustrated by the realization of a survey carried out with 423 students in Lyon to know to what extent an experiential learning module that mobilizes the concept of problem-situation in an entrepreneurial training acts on the perception of the students of their own metacognitive attitudes? The results obtained show, on the one hand, the significant influence of experiential learning in the change of students' perception and, on the other hand, explain the major role played by metacognition and experiential learning in entrepreneurship education.
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