The evolution of innovation support policies in SMEs in France: the case of Anvar.

  • LIU Zeting
  • SCHMEDER Genevieve
  • HERAUD Jean alain
  • SCHMEDER Genevieve
  • HERAUD Jean alain
  • PESTRE Dominique
  • UZUNIDIS Dimitri
  • PAPON Pierre
  • PESTRE Dominique
  • UZUNIDIS Dimitri
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Summary France, like other countries, seeks to enhance its scientific excellence and increase the competitiveness of its small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in order to take full advantage of innovation and support economic growth and employment. In France and elsewhere, there is no specific policy to support innovation in SMEs, but there are scientific and industrial research policies, particularly in favor of small businesses, and innovation policies, in which specific measures to promote technological development and innovation in SMEs can be identified. This study looks at the way in which, in France, these public policies have been defined and organized over the years, and examines the effectiveness and impact of public interventions in the development of the innovation capacity of French SMEs. It is divided into three parts, following a historical chronology corresponding to the major stages of policy evolution from the 1960s-1970s to the present. These three analytical parts are enriched by the analysis of the case of the National Agency for Research Promotion (Anvar). At the end of this work, we suggest that France is entering a critical phase where structural reforms must be carried out to ensure the development of SME competitiveness and innovation.
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