The influence of sustainable development on risk management in the company: a case in the construction industry.

  • CERE Arnaud
  • SILEM Ahmed
  • NICOLAI Isabelle
  • MARTINET Alain charles
  • REYNAUD Emmanuelle
  • CANEL DEPITRE Beatrice
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Summary The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the influence of sustainable development on risk management in the company from the perspective of its social responsibility. In the abundant literature on this topic, a distinction is made between the utilitarian conception and the deontological conception, which can complement each other to shed light on risk management in relation to CSR. The analysis of the literature then focused on the determinants of modern risk management, with the importance of coordination in the reliability of organizations. In this perspective, particular attention was paid to Weick's work highlighting the notion of culture and the interrelations between actors as determinants of reliability. The light of the economy of conventions allows us to conceive the integration of sustainable development as a transformation of the conventions constituting the company, of the representations of its actors, and not only of the rules of the company, operating at the level of the sphere of actions. This leads to the mobilization of the theory of social representations (Moscovici, Vergès, etc.) in an instrumental perspective in conjunction with Boltanski and Thévenot's economies of magnitude in order to render intelligible the forms of overcoming conflicts of interest that define a common good and allow for the establishment of stable coordination modalities.We have chosen as our field of study a company belonging to the construction sector, a subsidiary of a French group, located in the three regions of Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénées and Languedoc-Roussillon, with approximately 3600 employees at the time of the study. Our empirical research approach is based on a method combining a qualitative and quantitative approach in order to strengthen the validity of the research. An analysis of the social representations carried out from a survey by questionnaire, and face to face interviews with some members of the staff, the work allows to propose an original grid of reading of the contributions of a strategy of sustainable development to the control of the risks, beyond the implementation of traditional management systems. Our work brings a contribution to the analysis of the forms of appeasement of the conflicts to which the sustainable development can contribute as regards management of the societal risks. We highlight elements of understanding the influence of the integration of sustainable development on the coordination of actors facing risks.
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