Contribution to the statistical analysis of functional data.

  • SAUMARD Mathieu
  • PATILEA Valentin
  • SARDAT Pascal
  • LEDOUX James
  • CARDOT Herve
  • MAS Andre
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Summary In this thesis, we focus on functional data. The generalization of the generalized linear functional model to the model defined by estimating equations is studied. We obtain a central limit theorem for the considered estimator. The optimal instruments are estimated, and we obtain a uniform convergence of the estimators. We are then interested in different tests in functional data. These are non-parametric tests to study the effect of a functional random covariate on an error term, which can be directly observed as a response or estimated from a functional model like the functional linear model. In order to implement the different tests, we have proven a dimension reduction result that relies on projections of the functional covariate. We construct non-effect and goodness-of-fit tests using either kernel smoothing or nearest neighbor smoothing. A goodness-of-fit test in the functional linear model is proposed. All these tests are studied from a theoretical and practical point of view.
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