Biodiversity and organizational strategy: building tools to manage multiple and inter-temporal relationships.

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Summary The preservation of ecosystems and the economic performance of organizations are often placed in opposition. However, ecosystems and organizations are interdependent and can be understood as part of the same socio-ecological system (SES). Our objective is to identify the instruments that allow the respect of environmental and economic sustainability constraints of the proposed SES: ecological resilience and organizational profitability. After highlighting the environmental weakness of traditional neoclassical regulatory instruments, we assess the effectiveness of two other categories of tools, recent and often popular. The voluntary approaches studied generally guarantee the economic viability of organizations, but their environmental objectives, whose attainment is variable, often ignore the complexity of ecosystems. Among the environmental accounting approaches studied, those based on neoclassical regulatory instruments pursue ecologically inappropriate objectives, whereas heterodox approaches are more in line with our ecological constraints but require a profound reform of accounting conventions. These results lead us to develop a model of environmental management that ensures the sustainability of SES in the shorter term. For its ecological effectiveness, it is based on an adaptive management approach at the territorial level. Competitive disadvantages that may arise are highlighted by appropriate accounting, and these situations are optimized through the implementation of adapted redistributive processes.
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